I recommend the YouTube channel of JaggedAppliance
Some of his videos are replay reviews (where he shows a replay and talks about what to do or what not to do). You can search for his videos that have "replay review" in their title.
Other videos are POV of him playing ranked games, so you can watch what he's doing. This can be even better than watching a replay yourself, because you don't just see what moves he makes, but you can see what he's choosing to look at. Part of getting better at the game is just getting a sense of what you should be looking at.
Also, I agree with you that it would be nice to be able to filter out games with lower-rated players.
One way you can easily do that is to search only for 1v1 games. It's rarer for someone high-rated to be in a 1v1 with someone a lot lower than them. Even if you want to learn about how to play team games, you can learn a lot from watching 1v1s (and my advice is, if you want to get good at FAF, first work on getting good at 1v1, here's a shameless plug for my guide )