UI Revolution Project
@Raishini It works as intended.
shall we use Specific Target Priorities made by 4z0t or advanced target priorities made by strogo ? or they are two diff kind of mobs ?
@Raishini specific target priorities is a self sufficient ui mod which may be a nice addition to advanced target priorities.
@ctrl-k so what u mean its that it should be add into advanced target priorities mod ? i am looking to download one of those mods to see how good it is ..been away from FAF like for a year so taking again some games and getting update ...i used to use eco manager but it seems like nobody likes it anymore so i am trying to see which ones are good right now
C Ctrl-K referenced this topic on
Updated Additional Orders Extension:
- you can now bind keys to some ACU and SACU enhancements
- added keybind for OC / Repeat build
- you can now bind keys to some ACU and SACU enhancements
C Ctrl-K referenced this topic on
C Ctrl-K referenced this topic on
"Unpack textures of the mod before using it."
Unpack them where?:)
Into mod folder obviously.
Huh, gotta update all of that stuff. Unfortunately project died :Kappa:
On team info share are nuke subs/battleship nukes going to get the same info that other nuke launchers and smd get, ie total nukes loaded and progress of loading them?
Idle Engineers Light is a really nice mod.
I didn't find a separate discussion thread about it. So I decided to post here.
It would be great to add options to resize or reposition overlay icons for idle engineers, upgrading extractors and factories.
This would be useful for people using the mod for larger strategic icons.
Otherwise the icons overlap, making them difficult to use. -
Where are the options to enable the mex overlay? I also want to enable auto pausing of mex.
Was using CheeseBerry's updated EcoManger for the longest time but it's started being buggy for me so thought I would try out your mod.
@ysomanyratstho in-game Main Menu (F10) > UI Mods Options > ECO UI Tools