Trying to find a use for Mercy (Janus does it better)

Stormlantern used Fire Beetles in LOTS this weekend to kill Nexus, and I did see some Mercies the weekend before but I don't remember who.

In any case I think it is far too soon for another complete Mercy rework. At the very least give balance team a few more patches to tune its performance and for players to discover uses for it. Only after some time has passed is reworking it again even worth discussing.

@immortal-d said in Trying to find a use for Mercy (Janus does it better):

So here's a thought. Perhaps we must accept that a single-use unit can never be balanced across skill ranges. Scrap that design concept entirely and change Mercy into a traditional bomber which compliments the Swift Wind. The Fire Beetle would need a similar update.

Because bad players are too bad to use a unit properly the unit shouldnt exist?

I’m assuming at present it damages all units in the aoe equally; an alternative could be for it to have a damage over time equivalent of a rapid fire artillery shell - ie the impact is split into lots of small impacts covering the aoe (each with dealing damage over time for the small area around them). This would make it much stronger va shields and very large units, but no better vs acus and other small units than it currently is. It could then have a viable niche for dealing with shields without the risk of a return of the old acu snipe behaviour

@deribus I'll watch those for sure, though admitedlly I'm more interested in the Mercy than the Beetle.
@TheWheelie Nobody said anything like that. If your first response is vitrole, stop posting. Or better yet, be useful to this conversation and post some high-rated matches in which the current Mercy is used properly (and actually makes a difference).