
I would like to rollback my FAF version to the 2022.4.1 as I have a save from the offline version I would like to load. I have backups of the mods as well so was wondering if it would be possible.

@stoma1233 FAF replays have the game version they were played on saved and when you launch it through FAF it should automatically download the correct version of the game to run the replay

Ty but it's not a replay but an actual save game from the offline version

Did this already just tells me the patch is too old and to update thanks anyway but it doesn't seem to be doable tbh

@stoma1233 One other thing that you can try is to find a replay for a game that was played around the same date as your save file, then start watching the replay. That will download the relevant game files for that version to your PC & those will be stored in the ..\FAForever\replaydata. You might be able to open the exe for that version in the replaydata\bin folder & from there, open your save file from the main menu.

I don't know for certain if this will work, but it might.

@magge won't he need the game files not the client?

guess @MostLostNoob was faster šŸ˜„

If his suggestion doesn't work you can try to install git and roll your local files back to the correct game version.
So install git add the FAF game repository ( and then find and checkout the merge commit of the correct game version
To run the changed version check out (only the first section)

Checking out the FA repo is not sufficient, as we also patch the binary which is not on there. The approach of loading a replay of that version is the best

"Nerds have a really complicated relationship with change: Change is awesome when WE'RE the ones doing it. As soon as change is coming from outside of us it becomes untrustworthy and it threatens what we think of is the familiar."
ā€“ Benno Rice