Re-joining active game in FAF
I lost connection to 3ppl during the game and was shown the time-out, in-game menu and was asked to re-faf. I could not exit the game normally and killed faf client via task manager. Then I ran faf again but I was unable to see and re-join that game. How can I reconnect to the active game If I lose connection ? I remember some other players timed out but they were able to re-join the game in a minute or so.
Rejoining after the game has been closed or you have been ejected is not possible. This has technical reasons that are beyond FAFs capability to change.
@techniki You are not supposed to close the game, just press the reconnect button in the lower right of the faf client
once you close the game or someone ejects you, then you can't rejoin anymore. -
@nex Thanks Nex. Will try next time this
@Nex I was actually unaware of that
@jip the reconnect?
I'm not sure if it actually helps, but people frequently suggest to do this on an ingame disconnect. -
how many people acutally dont know this. you ask for re faf and they close the game
bet this happens a lot