There was actually a post from you about how the old client was better and more stable than the new one. I was the maintainer of the old Python client and the one who gave it a new lease of life by porting it from Python2/PyQt4 to Python3/PyQt5. I can tell you with 100% certainty, that hacked together shitheap that I tried to keep together was not the least bit more stable that what the java client is right now. Some major improvements like the ICE adapter that made connectivity not shit or random maps or team matchmaking were nigh impossible to do in the old client, too.
Your "shitheap" didnt frequently lockup, require a refaf per hour and had a working close button which didnt require me to pkill -9 the parent process. It also didnt swallow up more resources than the actual game uses.
Personally, I count those things are improvements.
If you think I misinterpreted the communication I've had over the last good while from FAF devs whenever I've run into these issues then I dont really see how you can fail to understand how the inverse might also work.
At the very beginning I tried to play the appeasement game and being ultra polite. That got nowhere. Evidence shows that flat out calling this out in plain language is working much, much better (if engagement in this thread is anything to go by).
You're a developer. You should be aware of the "lol it works on my machine" phenomenon. Random users telling you that does not mean the actual developers are like this.
As someone who has an SOC behind me that refuses to be abused in ways it was never intended for because we cant have devs who can write native code and therefore need docker or whatever the fuck container they currently have a hardon for I am acutely aware of the "it works on my machine" problem.
All I'm saying is that all the noises Ive made in random directions to all manner of people all over the place on various FAF teams were either ignored or were pretty much dismissed out of hand. In the meantime, its not just me with more and more serious issues happening more and more frequently. So before I do find the time to file however many bug reports and people get annoyed at the spam that will cause, I was told it might be a good idea to bring this up on the forum, which I have now done.