Unable to run game due to the following error
Hi, I get the following error when trying to run FAF. I already tried uninstalling and reinstalling
any tips? My inner Cybran socialist is dying. My brethren need help!"java.lang.RuntimeException: Exception in Application init method
at com.sun.javafx.application.LauncherImpl.launchApplication1(LauncherImpl.java:896)
at com.sun.javafx.application.LauncherImpl.lambda$launchApplication$2(LauncherImpl.java:196)
at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:833)
Caused by: java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError: Expected static method 'void com.sun.javafx.iio.ImageStorage.addImageLoaderFactory(com.sun.javafx.iio.ImageLoaderFactory)'
at de.codecentric.centerdevice.javafxsvg.SvgImageLoaderFactory.install(SvgImageLoaderFactory.java:26)
at de.codecentric.centerdevice.javafxsvg.SvgImageLoaderFactory.install(SvgImageLoaderFactory.java:20)
at com.faforever.client.FafClientApplication.init(FafClientApplication.java:74)
at com.sun.javafx.application.LauncherImpl.launchApplication1(LauncherImpl.java:825)
... 2 more
" -
Attach client.log - thanks in advance
This is the error I experience when I log on:
java.lang.RuntimeException: Exception in Application init method
at com.sun.javafx.application.LauncherImpl.launchApplication1(LauncherImpl.java:896)
at com.sun.javafx.application.LauncherImpl.lambda$launchApplication$2(LauncherImpl.java:196)
at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:833)
Caused by: java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError: Expected static method 'void com.sun.javafx.iio.ImageStorage.addImageLoaderFactory(com.sun.javafx.iio.ImageLoaderFactory)'
at de.codecentric.centerdevice.javafxsvg.SvgImageLoaderFactory.install(SvgImageLoaderFactory.java:26)
at de.codecentric.centerdevice.javafxsvg.SvgImageLoaderFactory.install(SvgImageLoaderFactory.java:20)
at com.faforever.client.FafClientApplication.init(FafClientApplication.java:74)
at com.sun.javafx.application.LauncherImpl.launchApplication1(LauncherImpl.java:825)
... 2 more -
@magge hi where can i find the client.log?
On Windows: C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\Forged Alliance Forever\logs
- Check if firewall or any other security software is blocking the access to the internet for FAF.
- Disable security software for testing purpose, try a VPN from a different country
- Try another browser Opera, Firefox, Chrome, etc - without any activated extensions when you try to log in
checked to see if windows defender is on, it was already off.
tried to log on to faf from google chrome but got an error saying I was not authorized to view the page, should I download opera/firefox and resign in? Previously I had signed in from edge
Might suggest detailing what OS, and the specific characteristics of you system. Running in a VM, Windows? Limited user account...? While hard to say but looking at the stack trace it looks more like a corrupt install of java more then FAF, and FAF is encountering the errors because Java is dorked up.
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