3v3 MapGen+ Battle Royale Final

ATTANTION! Tournament rescheduled to next Sunday (25.12.22 16:00 Moscow time) due to cross with another tournament!
On Sunday December 18 at 16:00 Moscow time we start the 3v3 MapGen tournament with the BattleRoyale final (also on mapgen)
Prize fund 30,000 rubles (~480$)
1st place 15k rubles
2nd 10k
3rd 5k

3 players per team, Total rating no more than 4500, CPU no more than 300. Host generates a map in MapGen with Casual tipe, number of spawns 6, 2 teams, map size 10 km. The map is regenerated if both teams agree. Teams play up to 2 wins. After the semi-final, there will be a match for 3rd place, after which 3 teams will go to the final, where they will fight up to two victories in the Battle Royale mode (Hard FFA + Battle Royale mod). Map Mapgen Type Casual , 16 spawns, number of teams 0, size 20 km, RANDOM style. The map changes if all teams agree.
Battle Royale settings

Registration on the forum as player1+player2+player3
Chat tourney #MGT

Seton 1300+ Riot 1400

я написал сообщение о регистрации ниже

“I object to intellect without discipline; I object to power without constructive purpose.” — Spock

KILLA88, AmonRa, Wuka

Can 2 people sign up without a third?

Can anyone from the west actually receive this money?

Salnik(1700), Evil__Genius(1400), Gutsy_heart(1400)


@thewreck yes. Ill donate you on donationalerts.com , tested on Yudi and GB guys

@seton find 3rd player

@salnik its 3v3 not 2v3

@lenkin ещё в поиске 3его

The money never got transfered to my acc from donationalerts, its still there, idk how to use that website.

@lenkin ещё в поиске 3его

@Lenkin я тоже

“I object to intellect without discipline; I object to power without constructive purpose.” — Spock

о мы нашли третьего

“I object to intellect without discipline; I object to power without constructive purpose.” — Spock

sign up Karateka (1400) + Hitgirl_ru (1000) + Klio-de-Janeiro (2000)

“I object to intellect without discipline; I object to power without constructive purpose.” — Spock

Ищу команду. 1400

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