3v3 MapGen+ Battle Royale Final

@seton find 3rd player

@salnik its 3v3 not 2v3

@lenkin ещё в поиске 3его

The money never got transfered to my acc from donationalerts, its still there, idk how to use that website.

@lenkin ещё в поиске 3его

@Lenkin я тоже

о мы нашли третьего

sign up Karateka (1400) + Hitgirl_ru (1000) + Klio-de-Janeiro (2000)

Ищу команду. 1400

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This post is deleted!

поиске команды. 1741

@phantomsamurai привет , давай обьединятся)

@phan1om хорошо. нужен ещё один

we quit

Chisato (2300) + Sladow-Noob (2100) + Major-Rocky (0)


Rottenbanana(2100) + DenjiTheChainsaw(2100) + Andulin (300)

"Good luck and a safe landing commanders!"

Phan1om (1400) + PhantomSamurai (1700) + HighLander-TX (1300)

Not even suspicious having 0-ish rated players in teams 😄

“Be a yardstick of quality. Some people aren’t used to an environment where excellence is expected.”
— Steve Jobs.
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BalanceSlave(2300) + Strydxr(1100) + Superintendent(1100)

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