Cringe Tournament III
Signing up
Team 'Cringerochek'
Captain - BarmaIey (1150 global) + Comrade - Nikerochek(1700 global) -
Imaushi_Wakasa (866) Mazik (186)
Im signing out, got busy xd
Signing up: egorkka228 (800) + MrDima771 (1700)
Before tourney starts id like to highlight faction pick rule.
Higher Seed gets to pick Captains faction
Then Lower Seed gets to pick Captains faction
Higher Seed picks Comrades faction
Lower Seed picks Comrades factionKEEP IN MIND:
Both players on the team must have different factions.
Both teams MUST have different factions. -
Here is map list -
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The current mods are:
Furkotya -
To join Tournament chat use command /join #CringeTourneyIII
Congatulations to the winner: Team Barmaley + Nikerockeck
and the second place LimeZ + Abandoned
and a third place MrDima777 + egorkka228!
Thanks for participation!
Also additional thanks to the great SpikeyNoob for helping me out in managing everything!!!
And thanks everyone for playing!
See you on the Cringe Tourney IV -
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Hope to see some casts on faforever you tube on this tournament
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Finals: 22158822
When is my next cringe tourney