Suggestion: FAF menu bar items should stay visible Offline
@manimal_ said in Suggestion: FAF menu bar items should stay visible Offline:
Given I need sometimes to change some options
For example?
@marcspector said in Suggestion: FAF menu bar items should stay visible Offline:
@manimal_ said in Suggestion: FAF menu bar items should stay visible Offline:
Given I need sometimes to change some options
For example?
Examples :
- uninstall a mod offilne.
- newbies might want to access Tutorials.
- start a game in a private LAN with all useful feature available.
- other operations that should be possible offline.
close Aeolus now your offline to all
@rowey said in Suggestion: FAF menu bar items should stay visible Offline:
close Aeolus now your offline to all
What do you mean ?
What are you classing as offline as the client is online due to needing to communicate with the server
I still don't get it...
Is my english is that awful, no to say terrible -
You need to be online in order to access mods and maps and the tutorials. It doesn't make sense to show any of that because it won't work when you are offline.
@sheikah said in Suggestion: FAF menu bar items should stay visible Offline:
You need to be online in order to access mods and maps and the tutorials. It doesn't make sense to show any of that because it won't work when you are offline.
Sorry but No... Not to delete Mods for instance...
I've had to delete my mods by hand while being offline !.
It would 've been much more convenient to be able to delete them in a single click while being offline...
FAF and the client are built for the purpose of online multiplayer. It just doesn't make much sense to build a separate screen and maintain it for the very limited things you can do offline and make it look good and functional.
Also deleting mods isn't really an important use case, that can't wait until you are back online...
@brutus5000 said in Suggestion: FAF menu bar items should stay visible Offline:
Also deleting mods isn't really an important use case, that can't wait until you are back online...
So you don't care about new modders that would need to perform some tests offline and to do some cleansing from times to times...
the modder who'd switch back online once he feels ready ...
'it happened to me to stay offline for a few days for developing and testing
I'd expect them to wait until they are back online or do it manually by hand, yes.
sterile chat...
As someone who is involved with client development I can tell you there are a lot of reasons, why people asked for offline support in the past. And we're not denying it because we are all evil, but because we are realistically seeing that this is not going to be implemented as other things are more important and offline mode is an edge case that only affects very few people.
There are better ways to do mod development, that entirely excludes the client. You can launch the game directly. Best to get on the official discord, give yourself the modding role and ask about it in #modding-general
The reason is simple, they are avoiding "unlegal" access to faf infrastructure without "required" access with registered account
I'm an old school coder, with little knowledge of coding.
This is how I'm working my programs
If you know a better way, I'd be glad to hear from you.
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