Advanced strategic icons mod
wooops, here you go. just tested again on develop, all the icons still are the advanced strategic icons for me.
@Jip Correct me if I'm wrong, but the develop changes include support for custom strategic icons in mods right? So using an installer like this wont be necessary anymore, people will be able to make their own strategic icon mods and upload them to the vault.
If I recall properly then yes - but I do not know by heart which PR made that possible.
It was the change to the init file that allowed mods to load custom textures.
I really needed this too to play FAF on a 4k monitor at full resolution and I think I fixed it. It took me longer than I'd like to admit, but here it is: I copied all the icons from advanced strategic icons (large version) and made it into a mod. Hope it works for you. I called the mod Advanced Strategic Icons XL. It should be under UI mods, but it's the first mod I uploaded, so maybe I messed something up.
Hello guys
I'm trying to play FAF on Linux and I'd like to install these icons too
As far as I understood after installation a fileAdvanced strategic icons.nxt
should come up in folderC:/ProgramData/FAForever/gamedata/
Can anybody provide me with this file?
I think I know where I should put it -
It is best to download the Brewlan UI mods (small / large / classic). They work as intended, assuming that you enabled them.
If you use medium set on higher res i can send you what I'm working on which is a overhaul of asi, but I've not yet finished to upload as a mod yet. Otherwise for small use brewlan as suggested.
@jip I don't know why, but Brewian UI mod doesn't work
I'm okay with any strategic icons except default one
@macdeffy let's try
my email: [email protected] -
Are you playing via featured mods? Those do not support the custom icon approach (yet).
@jip I added the mods through FAF client, but it doesn't work
Do you know how I should do it to make it work?
@rubbern Maybe close and open FAF? or make sure another UI mod isn't applied to your icons
How to download this mod? The link from the old forum does not work. The google drive link doesn't work either, sorry: the file has been placed in the trash. Where to download the file?
ASI stopped working with FAF. Still works with the naked Steam version.
Anyway, looks like the Redux icons you can get in the mod vault is a good replacement, as it highlights strat launchers and defs the same way.
ASI still worked for me as of the 2023 2.0 version of FAF, but with the latest version, it goes right back to the default icons. Anyone know of a way to make it work for the most recent client version? I really like the whole design, but especially the way the mex icons look.
ASI still works (on my machine), but only only for games you play, not for replays.
The reason is probably the recent (and very welcome) change of "Allow watching replays while in queue" duplicating the game files when you go into a replay, and the old ASI installer only modifying the base non-replay files as it doesn't use the new UI mod tools for icon mods.
going through the changes it seems the duplicated files are in programdata>faforver>replaydata>gamedata but they use another file format than the normal faf files and pointing the ASI installer to that directory doesn't seem to work.
Sadly the ASI are under a pretty restrictive license by the old author ("You may not sell or change this creation in any way.") so converting them to the new icon tools and uploading them to the vault is technically possible, it's very much a no-go.
Sadly I haven't found an icon set on the vault that I prefer as much as ASI. This is almost certainly a minority opinion but for people that are seemingly as blind as me when it comes to icon recognition, none of them do the trick.
Yeah I just really need the mex icons, tml, tmd, nuke, and nuke def. The factory tech level and pgen icons also really helps me out as well, but those are the key ones for me.
Anyway, thanks for letting me know they still work in a normal game though!
EDIT: I would love it if there's some post where I can learn how to customize my own icon set, that would be awesome.
EDIT 2: I tried out redux strategic icons (small) after reading that thread where people argued the pros and cons of ASI, and I mostly love it, except I prefer how the mexes look in ASI. Is there any way I can replace the mex icon there with the icons from ASI?