$735 2021 Fall Invitational

Signing up!

Sign up here and unsign at qualifyers xd


Signing up!

signing up

accepting invite

TA4Life: "At the very least we are not slaves to the UI" | http://www.youtube.com/user/dimatularus | http://www.twitch.tv/zlo_rd

Y-you can have mine

Thanks to archsimkat for donating his winnings from the Settling Scores tournament, the total prize pool is now $520!

Thanks to Yudi for also donating his winnings from the Settling Scores tournament to Fall Invitational, the prize pool is now $540!

accepting invite

accepting invite

Forumpros doing balance https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4wTcguJZh3A .
When a canis player remembers to build more than 3 units https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7hjp8xJHuyA .

Thanks to a $90 from someone who goes by Lord Voldemort, the total prize pool is now $630!

Adding $100 to the pot for a job well done on this fine event.

Jesus fuck, cash money here. Next year Swkoll's invitationals will rival LOTS

Thanks to Morax's donation 2021 Fall Invitational now has the largest ever prize pool and the largest ever 1st place prize!

This post is deleted!

old man reporting for duty

Ban Anime

Any chance we can create a wooden spoon award for last place? I'll donate $0.01 to that and $5 to the main pool

@wolfsaw I wouldn't be opposed xD

I suppose last place would be whomever wins the least games overall, with ties going to Group D, C, B, then A.

You would pay 3 dollars in transfer fees to give a dude a penny.