SupremeCommander printed models
Everyone's on about that summit, but what about that Fatboy!
And the only real question is: can the summit float?
@ELCroisidh thanks! yeah the body was cut in 4 pieces, guns and small objects printed separately, its pla plastic so i use DHM for post processing
@Jip i think yes, as its not a solid object, just 10% infill
Seraphim ACU!
wow! what size is that? I'm impressed that it's stands straight
@tatsu 20cm height
T3 HQ uef factory -
could also get novax and ahwassa?
Ahwassa soon yeah, not sure about novax
Time for Salem class destroyer!
model taken from here
10/10, would look at your printed models again
Could you tell us more about how you made it? The painting job appears to be quite solid, with straight lines that aren't blurry
oh, my God. It's too cool to be real !)
the level of detail is astonishing! what scale is this at?
can you photograph it next to a banana for scale?
@jip tnx! Painting wasnt an issue, straight lines mostly, i am not a good painter tbh, thats why its hard to make sera and aeon units, just take a look of them by chance during the game. Curves and complex design of units.
Well this particular model is post processed by steyrc from thingeverse. And he did it really well! You know normally The pontoons move on a four bar mechanism. Both turrets rotate, the AA turret also elevates.Oh, and it also floats. The transformation consists of folding of the legs, raising of the pontoons and retracting of the rear of the ship. But i just glued it. -
@tatsu its 35cm length 16cm height.
@funkoff lol
Those are some awesome builds right there!
The Brick brothers!