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RE: Linux gamemode with FAF

Why don't you just try it out and share your experience?

posted in FAF support (client and account issues)
RE: When launching FAF, the launcher gives an error

I see it is installed to D:\FAF-Client and not C:\Program Files

make sure to delete the whole faf-client folder after uninstall

posted in I need help
RE: When launching FAF, the launcher gives an error

Uninstall, manually delete the relating files from C:\Program Files, reinstall.

Your update failed for some reason and you have a mix of old and new files. This happens a lot.

posted in I need help
RE: Steam token expired

10+ years ago one would have just marked your account for deletion and kept all of your data. However modern privacy protection law of the European Union demands permanent deletion/de-referencing of your personal data with all the other data if the user demands it.

We have to follow the law, whether we want it or not.

posted in FAF support (client and account issues)
RE: Steam token expired

Assuming you are the former user Melanol that asked for deletion, which we cannot check because - in that case - all traces of a user called Melanol were deleted as requested from our brains database, we did think about users registering after deletion. Once linked, steam ids do not become linkable again and Its probably just the error message is wrong.

The steam id cannot be reused ever again, otherwise the "right to be forgotten" turns into a "right to get my rating reset" which would be an unacceptable loophole.

Demanding all your data to be deleted is a double edged sword and any user who does this will have to live with the consequences. (It's not like any user who wants to stop playing could have asked for a self-implied but reversible permanban: this is the applied solution in the gambling industry)

posted in FAF support (client and account issues)
RE: Can't Delete text in Chat (not in-game chat)

Can you provide a screenshot? Looks like you talk about the FAF client chat, but it is in the lobby chat.

posted in I need help
RE: FAF(default) mode alternative

@evildrew said in FAF(default) mode alternative:

The way it is implemented creates a monopoly and I do not feel the need to have to link to posts of people whining about why the more competent echelon of the player base has disappeared while only casual players with no ambition to improve remains as a means to justify that just about the only people who still play do not notice how bad it is or are responsible for the deterioration.

The official FAF game development team has a monopoly on how the game is developed. This is a fact. And then there is the FAF balance team who has a monopoly on balance related changes.

Seems like we live in a duumvirate where everybody can join any of the teams in power. Crazy times, eh?

The changes causing top level players to leaven seem to be more related to the balance team as far as I have understood most of their "final words".

There were attempts to reset balance (BH balance) as well as alternative game meta (Equilibrium). None of them gained much momentum amongst players. The majority of players seems to be happy with the current model.

@evildrew said in FAF(default) mode alternative:

It's like some of the FAF teams want FAF to fail so they can escape the burden of their responsibilities and not making their failure and the damage they caused apparent to everyone by denying anyone else to bring FAF back from the demise it is currently in according to their own words while throwing up smoke screens about irrelevant causes for player churn like name changes...

To this point I tried to take your feedback serious, but this is just outright delusional. People are free to leave FAF anytime. And they did, in multiple places, for multiple reasons. Your example even comes from a team with zero competence overlap to game development..

@evildrew said in FAF(default) mode alternative:

Further. as it is "tolerated" being this way, I can only interpret it as a hostile stance towards any contributors who have their own ideas and do not want to give up their vision by having to be part of their amalgamated mod.

You can interpret it in any, doesn't make it right though.

FAF carries a heritage of ~10 years of development decisions. We still suffer from some very bad ideas and implementations and many of them revolve around featured mods and how they are build and applied. The result is a vault that is centered around your so called monopoly. That is something that is not easily changed. And independent from that it is a model we lived with for 10 years and you are the first one making a fuzz out of it.

There is some valid points in your initial request and I tried to explain to you why it is not easy to change.

But then your start throwing shit around , accusing people of weird stuff and show absolutely no interest of the reasons we gave you.

You are the one behaving hostile, not the game team.

posted in Suggestions
RE: No ranks below 0 (yes / no)?

Either that or people would discriminate you for a low number of played games.

posted in Suggestions
RE: FAF(default) mode alternative

I don't think it's an official stance, it just the way it has been forever.
The featured mod faf is the baseline (later on alternatively fafbeta/fafdevelop).
Then comes optionally ONE additional featured mod (e.g. coop or phantomx) overlaying on top of it.
And then come all other regular mods on top.

There were times we had featured mods that didn't need to be featured mods, but were just there for visibility. It was a bad idea and we're not doing it anymore. So unless you need special technical features of a featured mods, regular mods is the way to go.

posted in Suggestions
RE: No ranks below 0 (yes / no)?

There is no deeper meaning. The actual rating consists of two values
mean = your assumed "real" skill
deviation = the uncertainty about the correctness of your rating.

The deviation shrinks the more often the system predictions for your games are correct. It grows when the systems prediction is wrong.
This is especially often the case if you lose your first few games after registration.

Now we have two numbers but try you build only one for visualization. So the display value (aka "rating") is calculated via ’mean - 3 x deviation’

So if a players mean is low and the deviation is high, the rating becomes negative.

posted in Suggestions