Fix tmm bug
Please fix the moment in tmm when two allies vote for "surrender" or whatever, you press "veto", but the game ends anyway. Even though you won.
RE: Balance Patch 3750 - Feedback
i think the Sparky buff, the free jammer for some uef air, the cheaper price of Kennels (against the background of the strongest nerf hives), the increase in the range of eon frigates, another nerf for sniperbots, as well as the absence of nerfs for janus, mermaids, mobile stealth fields, paragon, rasbots, dps t3 art , the lack of a nerf to the construction speed of t2 artillery is a stupid decision.
also waiting for: buff of swiftwinds, buff t3 mobile aa (but not sera), buff aeon and cybran rambo, nerf of aeon t2 gunships, increase bp cost of rain, but decrease in mass, return higher cost of mexes by buildpower, nerf t2 massfabs, nerf of aeon SACU sacrificial price, nerf t1 bombers and mercies. (Yep gigaNERf of all (just lets free faf gameplay from enclave of abuses))
otherwise, in particular with the nerf of Cybran frigates, nukes and titans, the balance of the patch suits.
btw did colossus get imbalanced pull of units fixed? Hope thats a usefull feedback, thx to the bt for the work. -
RE: Battles of intelligences Tournament (6000 rating cap)
Zasport (1500)
Riot (1300)
Buildsseton (1300)
Farizm (1200)Rezerv:
CRystalTeam Name: ComingOut