To everyone whos having a problem with game crashes due to sound - try deleteing 2 music files from supreme main directory.
D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Supreme Commander Forged Alliance\sounds
.xwb and the .xsb "music".
RE: Midgame crashes - with logs.
RE: Replay analysis
Usually while I dont have resources to upgrade, it seems He have them all the time so he upgrades everything faster at any given time...
Replay analysis
I need a professional opinion, it seems for me that one of the players is exploiting resources. He have high amounts, right from the begining. Is it only me or is he actually using something? Im talking about white player. -
Midgame crashes - with logs.
Game crashes in random moments usualy around 20 - 40 minutes.game_20900200.log game_20900178.log game_20900129.log