Swatoslav 1900
RE: Improvement of Leaderboards
Good topic,
I can help with some UX/UI design if needed. -
RE: Setons Clutch Tourney 2024
in terms of fun the idea is kinda good imo, no stacked shit in finals at least
Sign up Wifi_ (2300), Swatoslav (2100), Finisterre (1400)
RE: POINTS issue
Pavor had 2 recent ladder games vs Riot where he lost and both of them were "unknown result", but next or previous one he won was rated. The question was arised in Discord but unfortunately still not solved.
I personally had an evening playing 2 games vs SilentNoob, the one I lost was rated, the one I won was uknown result.
In result I see we have 1800 player that plays a lot recently and improved a lt (imo) who have won 2000 two times without being rewarded or at least knowing the bug is fixed in a short time.
We have around 10 active ladder 1v1 1700-1800 players right now who may still queue and this makes us a bit depressed.There is a good reference to Petric's post from 2017 (Why FAF competitive scene is dying) about importance of rewarding for those who want to improve comptetitively.
We ask for assistance to keep high FAF competetive spirit so please solve this issue asap.
RE: Adjustment to the reclaim rates
It is very sad for me that we will lose all legacy of maps like Daroza / The Ditch / Bermuda / Pyramid etc. with that change, and all casts / replays of tourneys will be not as much usefull or enjoable for learning yourself.
Also about team maps like Setons, where BOs are some part of a history. But it will affect only mid and partially rock BO, so not a big deal maybe. But still after change the game review will be different. "Setons whores" will understand me
I enjoyed spending hours on learning things with currenct gameplay with its dynamic and ideas of reclaim speed.I accept and understand that on the other hand it opens new gate where new rules will have new effect on competition level. Same as Excelsior and Paradox_of_War, I do not think that change will solve the problems we're trying to solve. And for those who understands and applies it first in a more efficient way, it will be a good advantage.
I like all Jips references to WC3, and as former ladder WC player I can say that there were never changes like gold or lumber mining speed. Yes, units can be balanced, but in general economics and start buildings were always the same for so many years.
It is just my opinion and point of view and I would be happy if I'm mistaken and it such changes (if implemented) will lead us in the end to a better future.
RE: Double Allied Tournament 2
Would be nice to watch how vena will beat grimplex..
(Grimplex sign up and prove otherwise ?) -
RE: Client Problems
I thought it is only me who loses chat every 10 secs.
Also it automatically reconnects me to Russian chat. And I have to manually join aeolus. Is it possible to change first priority chat to aeolus instead of Russian?