It seemed more prevalent the other day but now I can only find a few that trigger it. Basebuilder v1.0, Barren Biggy, 1v1 BIGFMAP, custom000, mnt dew baja blast. I'm not actually interested in playing all of these, they're just the ones that gave the error. The FAF client gives me the warning when I try to download them. Swear to god it was happening on more maps the other day, but that could be my failing memory or different search conditions.
RE: Large custom maps flagged as zip bombs
Large custom maps flagged as zip bombs
When I try to play many of the large custom made maps, I get an error saying they're zip bombs. I'm assuming these were not deliberately made to be zip bombs, is there any workaround?
RE: Large maps crash on spawn or during loading.
It seems on further testing I was able to load into that map just fine with Ai Uveso and experienced no crashes, but that was when playing alone. Playing with my friend had issues, so it could be something on his end or something about connecting online to another person specifically. -
Large maps crash on spawn or during loading.
When my friend and I play larger maps (80x80), the game takes forever to load, often crashing during loading. When we did manage to load in, the game froze the instant our commanders spawned it, an unhandled exception popped up. I'll attach the game log. We tried a 40x40 map right after and that worked fine. We were able to play that same 80x80 map in og forged alliance, but not in FAF. Any help appreciated. game_21449295.log
Perma Nuke Glitch (wtf boom)
Was idling around in an AIx Uveso match when the ai nuked a bunch of rambo presets I had. Not sure if that's what triggered it, but that one nuke left behind a permanent explosion, triggering nukes endlessly, blotting out most of the map with sunspot that never went away and killing any unit that entered it's radius. Pretty funny. Here's a replay but it occurs quite a ways into a long game, so I wouldn't recommend watching unless you have a tool to skip around with:
RE: AI Suddenly Sucks?
We fell into a defensive playstyle given that harassment just wasn't very viable when outnumbered 5 to 1. We've tried experimenting with AIx now and that seems to be the way to go given how many options it has for tuning. Thanks for the feedback. -
RE: AI Suddenly Sucks?
I just tried M28, but unfortunately it's neither challenging nor fun to play against. It just annoys the player with kiting arty and missiles rather than sending actual attack waves. I suppose it's better at picking apart defensive play, but like the rest it seems incapable of defending its commander and has no answer for experimentals. -
RE: AI Suddenly Sucks?
After review it seems that the difference was whether Nomads were turned on and perhaps whether starting buildings were enabled. The AI seemed more aggressive and proactive with them on. But it may also have been that after turning them off we were also just building up and ending faster on on our part. Could be fooling myself.
RE: AI sea gameplay problem
I've also had an issue where even if there is only a tiny puddle of water on the map or at the very corners, the AI still builds a ton of naval units even thought they're useless.
AI Suddenly Sucks?
Did some patch in the last few weeks completely neuter the AI? Or is it just me?
Friend and I have been challenging each other to fight more and more ai at once. Used to be they put up a good fight at 2v10 they were absolutely swarming us with units, though their comp was sometimes iffy. Then at some point in the last few weeks they completely lost it and have been nothing like they used to. Tried with both regular adaptive and AIUveso. They mostly sit in their base maybe sending out a little trickle of guys and eventually start building experimentals much later, but they totally pale in comparison to what they used to be.
We tested out some mods and survival maps during that time period but have gone back to regular play with all mods disabled and the problem persists. Could I have changed some mystery setting that's messing with things, or are other people experiencing similar issues?