Show the total score of each team in the lobby. To make it easier to balance
RE: Small suggestions topic
RE: zoom map when hosting
How could I miss this. I will add this feature for the map preview in the "Create game" window.
RE: Weekly Discussion #9 - Advice for your noob self
Do not play astrocrater
RE: FAF client doesn't follow cleartype settings
Unfortunately, I don't have a BGR display that I could reproduce and solve the issue. The only thing that can partially reduce the symptoms of "chromatic aberration" is to use css style overriding. Look at the link
In the style_extension.css file write follow code:
.text { -fx-font-family: "Calibri"; -fx-font-size: 20px; }
You can choose and find the best font and size.
RE: π₯THE KING of Dual Gap 2v2π₯ 170 $
I liked the tournament! Thanks for the stream!
RE: AVG rating tab for the Live Games
Good idea. I added request.
RE: Authorisation problem
Could you give me more data? Which browser and OS do you use? OS language and browser language? And it would also be nice to see a screenshot where the browser's address bar is visible. To make sure it's not a browser or OS issue. Sorry for the inconvenience.
For example,
RE: Help me plz i not new player but i want now download faf and me give error about this game is not on catalog faf what need doing?
@Robotigr Could you please share how you solved the problem. This information could be useful in the future
RE: Seraphim and Coalition campaign updates!
Is there no way to save the mission and load it at another convenient time for me?
RE: Matchmaker Team Sentons 4v4 TMM Inclusion
I understand that I will write nonsense. I don't support it, because I have a weak laptop.
RE: Small suggestions topic
Thank you for printing the score of each team. It would have taken me a long time to print this.@Jip
The "Settings" window mostly occupies empty space. I propose to reduce its height and put the "Points of each team" block in place.
Here are two options for how it will look.
RE: AVG rating tab for the Live Games
It is added in latest alpha release