@rezy-noob decrease in travel time or stealth kills come to mind-holding a choke point would also be a big one

RE: Importance and amount of shields on firebases, for Aeon vs Cybran
RE: About the Chrono Dampner ACU Upgrade
@exselsior this sounds amazing but hard to implement-did they also discus increasing the cost? I don't mind its brokeness as much if it was expensive to implement like a stealthed and cloaked cybran com with laser and t3 suite
sure that will crush most anything that doesn't have built in omni or isn't in omni range but the power costs to both upgrade that far and run it are simply crippling
RE: Can somebody fix the sorian AI's?
I suspect there is much less drive or even ability to fix them-AI a class aren't very good in SupCom and are effectively worthless for training purposes. I know I talked to you a few days ago and suggested some other AI for you to try. There is a great deal more effort in creating new and improved AI that aren't limited by the underlying code of existing AI, something I am very happy about, nothing would thrill me more than effective AI for this game that can actually be used for training the lower ranked players
About the Chrono Dampner ACU Upgrade
I don't know about many of you but I rarely seen it used in play-having said that, I recently played a game in which it was used against me. wow
It seems broken to me but since I have so little experience with it, I'd like some more insight on it. Checking the unit database shows that it has the range of a t1 arty basically, I didn't count the seconds for interval(how often it fires) but it seemed rather high as well. and glancing at cost shows that as upgrades go its dirt cheap. Why? The cybran laser is ridiculously expensive so as to make generally unusable except in late game play or telelaser(I would think). Both the laser and chrono upgrade really weight fights in that coms favor-why is the chrono so much cheaper? For that matter, its so op to me, why is it so underutilized?
I can promise you that personally I will be using chrono a lot more now-if only to get more experience with it
Can anybody give more insight here? Weaknesses of the upgrade or reasons for the current balance?
RE: Why would you have left FAF?
@khaldounn there is an api for the game, I know of thread around here that uses this to pull data on players such as game stats
how you would go about using the API yourself, I have no idea
RE: RCVIII - 4v4 - AI Tournament Suggestions/Chat
What kind of players are you looking for? I played in the computer cup earlier this year and found it to be quite fun-if this is similar then I would love to play here as well
RE: DilliDalli - 1v1 specialist AI
@zappazapper said in DilliDalli - 1v1 specialist AI:
I haven't played any other user created AI, but I like this one. It puts the kind of pressure on me that I need to be able to improve. And ya, that's a spicy commander.
Try Swarm AI and RNG AI-both can be quite challenging in the right situation
RE: Why would you have left FAF?
@optymistyk I actually know the command for this! Queue up the order in which you want units attaacked and then while holding shift press G, this changes the targeting to only deal enough damage to kill the first target and the next few bomber, tanks etc, will target the next target and so on
It dramatically improved my play
RE: Critical UI Mods
@swkoll bless you, I didn't know of that thread, you can lock the thread if you would like
Critical UI Mods
its my understanding that UI mods can be used and not impact if a game is ranked or not, if that is the case, what mods do you guys recommend that I download and use? I use the nvidia fix mod for obvious reasons but little else
Hit me with your collective wisdom FAF
RE: Why would you have left FAF?
@zukko I apologize if I came off as aggressive, I wish you luck with the mod, I haven't any experience with modding or I would help
Good luck!
RE: [Format discussion] 2v2 weekly showmatch - The Commanders of Calypso
I would totally do this-what do you guys consider average joes? around 1k rated on global?
RE: Why would you have left FAF?
@zukko yeah, you are just dead wrong my man. I don't mind playing with complete novices who literally just bought the game and have no idea how any of the units work. I don't expect them to play as pro players and refuse to flame them for playing like hot garbage-they are new, that's just how this game works.
But I won't coddle them either and tell them that their gameplay can't improve or trying to break them of their habits if they desire to improve-you act like everyone here desires nothing but to put the new guys down and thats just not true. If a 300 rank player doesn't desire to improve thats ok but the 300 rank player can't turn around and flame the 600 rank player for wanting to win in a game that has other 600 rank players-this is not pro level play but nobody likes getting smashed either. If I'm in a game and I see a questionable decision from the team I'm going to call it out. This game isn't 4 1v1 games in the same map, it a 4v4 map.
You don't need to be a complete boss at this game to enjoy it or to be welcomed in the community-the majority of players in FAF are below 1k rank and that is ok-hell even I don't desire to play pro, that entails a level of effort I'm strictly not interested in providing for a game
But if you are so casual that all you want is to build a giant army and blow stuff up, there is a mode for you-its called campaign and in my opinion its a pretty good one or skirmish with AI
You can't have your cake and eat it too, you don't get to be a bad player and complain when the players you get paired with desire to win in a competitive setting regardless of the rank of your teammates-I promise there are players in low ranking that really REALLY want to win and dominate, they simply lack the skill
RE: Why does Fullshare exist?
@zlo said in Why does Fullshare exist?:
to lazy to read whole thread... but answer is balance and gameplay.
- If you have no fullshare, then game can become all about t2-t3 air ACU snipes
- Therefore you can't use acu in combat, and even then you can get sniped
- As soon one player dies game ends
- people also may randomly disconnect and with fullshare game will not end there
I personally don't really like fullshare as it enables you to suicide acu to kill enemy army, and i also don't really like the "spirit" of it.
and fullshare games can often be about t3 acu drops with TML to cause cancer and at the same time acu loss will not lead to loss of the gameAs the highest rated player in this thread (I think) what do you do to mitigate air snipes? Beyond just achieving air control is there anything a player can do to prevent these kinds of snipes? or is the mass cost in flak and SAMS too much in comparison to ASAF and Strat bombers? Air snipes are frustrating to be sure and deadly quick but shouldn't the object be to encourage better gameplay?
As to your 3rd point, aren't the upset victories just that more thrilling? the second replay I linked is one of my own games in which we lost a player and came back for the win-how often does this occur in high ranked play? And yes-I agree with the suicide of coms being antithetical to the core game play, that's kind of what I was getting at
Thanks in advance for your insights
RE: Why does Fullshare exist?
I just want to say thanks to everyone who commented here, from those that examined the lore aspect of it and the top players and admins throwing in their view as well, its all good stuff
RE: Why does Fullshare exist?
@biass said in Why does Fullshare exist?:
same dudes who sit in discord training channel saying they have no apm
thinking randomly getting double your current unit count is not a big deal
stay classy faf
I assume this is directed at me and trust me I don't take it lightly, I understand it is a huge deal-just not a big a deal as losing a position and I think you would agree with that
RE: Why does Fullshare exist?
@kalethequick that's a valid point and one I hadn't considered, it also answers my question-thank you
Quick edit/question: how many games do you see where one player is in a position to snipe a com and destroy a base vs games that a player who has the opening for a snipe but not complete destruction
Truly, I understand the point now, I'm just curious about stats now-doesn't even have to be completely accurate guess, just your own experiences
perhaps its just the level I play at but snipes aren't quite as common as slowly whittling away at a defense until you can push right through base defenses
RE: Why does Fullshare exist?
@archsimkat yeah, I get that, thats what everyone keeps saying, but why fullshare and not simply an alternative victory condition? I understand what it does and I understand why its desirable, what I don't understand is how this goal is not already achieved by supremacy or annihilation victory conditions
RE: Why does Fullshare exist?
@kalethequick and you will get no judgement from me for preferring that, and I stick around after my death for the same reasons, pinging SMD and such is useful for those still alive who might miss such things. but if you want a second chance, why not play supremacy? Full share just seems like a needless "feature" that simply replicates the other victory conditions in effect