@Nuggets I'll try this thank you
Ranked vs unranked games
How do you see if a custom game/ match is ranked or not. please?
I have a habit of playing any custom game i can get in, but I win in the non-ranked matches and lose in the ranked all the time. It's getting really annoying and killing my global score, so i'd like to be able to tell from the lobby.
Is there a way to see this please?
RE: counter t3 sub hunter
@Exselsior oh man it's that bad huh. I did think them having AAA was really unfair, we tried to kill tyem that way and got destroyed too
counter t3 sub hunter
noob question
playing as Cybrin with he navy spot (for the T2 destroyers) i got over run by T3 sub hunter. Totally destroyed me.
how are you supposed to counter that? What even comes close to countering that lol?
RE: Newbie replay questions
what are these and how do i get them please?
Newbie replay questions
Hi All
Simple one for those that know,
I watch replays of my games to judge how we'll i played, and what to do better next time.
Is there any way to get my K/D during the match? I'm sure I've watched Gyle videos and he can see it, but it's a mystery how.
Any other cool tips for replay analysis of games please?