They are a pointless waste of mass, you should put the mass into mexes and then a t3 land HQ and build t3 mobile arty
RE: Weekly Discussion #23 - T2 MMLs
OC loading screen tooltip is wrong
The loading screen tool tip for OC is now wrong, it says that a 15k damage OC takes around 49k power in storage, since the recent change it now requires 60k/max energy used percentage of storage.
Also there is no forum category for reporting issues
RE: The SCU Rebalance
The real issue with any of this is that there is no temporal space in the game to have a force of SACUs become the core of your army.
The power and built time cost of all units and buildings that come after the SACUs need pushing up by an order of magnitude
In team games there is barely temporal space for t3 atm nevermind a whole extra phase before t4 come out
RE: Arty destroys building through operational shield.
it's fairly simple,
Aeon t3 arty does 6000 damage twice about a second apart for a total of 12k damage, firing a shot every 20 seconds for 600 dps.Your t3 reactor that explodes was not entire under the t3 shield indicated in your second screenshot, but is entirely under the t3 shield that is down in the first screenshot and up in the second.
The t2 shield covering the reactor - just to the left of the reactor - has less than 50% health in the first screenshot.
The shell impacts in a way that downs the t2 shield with the first 6k damage and then because the reactor is sticking out of the assisted t3 shield takes the second 6k damage. Because you are cybran it kills it, note any other factions reactor would have survived.
Equally AOE damage is sometimes transferred through shields to the units below them when they collapse/AOE just hits units under shields (partial why the Ahwassa is a beast). Which might have killed it instead. You'll need a better viewing angle to be certain.
Your second t3 sera shield comes back on to shield the now dead reactor.
RE: 3v3 Mapgen TMM queue
I'm still of the opinion that there should just be 1 tmm queue which is capable of matching players in anything from 2v2 to 4v4, depending on balance, saves 6 dudes sat in the 4v4 queue forever condemned to not get a game.
Also 3v3 maps:
Twin Rivers
Desert Crisis
The Ditch
Painted Desert
Sands of Ablicka
pyramid 3v3 version
point of reach
Paradise 3v3
Mountain Lakes
Crash site
3v3 Death Valley
DarkfallMost of those are no worse than your average adaptive map
RE: Aeon Gun ACU
we should make the UEF ACU gun upgrade the same as the rest of them while we are at it, then it's fair
RE: Players asking for engies using markers without stating their name
You can always just ignore them, it's a valid tactic that I implement regularly
RE: Infinite matchmaking
The other day, I joined the queue, started watching something on youtube, forgot I'd joined the queue, went to make dinner, ate dinner, came back to my PC and got matched in a game, all in all it was over an hour
RE: Introducing Mapgen Week on Ladder
Nice we get to see how good people truly are, instead of how good they are at copying builds.
Aeon t1 pd building animation issue
The Aeon t1's building animation/blob has so little height that most units shoot the floor when they shoot at it.
I've had it with an ACU before but in this replay it's quite stupid, please fix so units don't stand there and shoot the floor all day, its really frustrating as the pd is quite high on the target priority list.replay Id
grimplex's harbs bottom left starting location at 21 minutes -
RE: Before starting a game ender, what do you want your eco income to be?
I hope you aren't starting a Yolo on 6k+ energy, you're going to stall like crazy, it costs 10,008,000 power, to build it in 6 minutes you're going to need like 34k power income.
RE: Aeon Gun ACU
In answer to the original question
It counters, UEF gun at t1, and mongoose/hoplites -
RE: 4v4 TMM January 2023 Map Pool Tier List
Because it was imba with the bottom team having an extra mex; It is generally good to see that maps are fixed regardless of whether I like them or not. Equally I think it is a nice map, but it is a 5v5, with the air spot unpopulated and the fact no one really knows what they are doing on it because of that makes me not want to play it in tmm.Therefore it gets an E.