BlackOps FAF: ACUs adds a ton of upgrades
Otherwise you're better off asking in the modding section of the Discord. You'll have to say you're interested in modding when you join, or go to the Channels and Roles section if you've already joined.
BlackOps FAF: ACUs adds a ton of upgrades
Otherwise you're better off asking in the modding section of the Discord. You'll have to say you're interested in modding when you join, or go to the Channels and Roles section if you've already joined.
Okay, it's now just "x doesn't know y????" Over and over again. I think the initial proposal has been adequately discussed.
It was removed because backend changes over the years meant that tool didn't work anymore, and nobody wanted to make (and maintain!) a new version of it.
If you do this I will make another moderator hunt you down
I was able to watch the replay, but it does not appear to be the correct one. There were no arty built on hills that game
That replay doesn't seem to work, do you happen to have a local copy?
Not a bug, expected behavior. See discussion here
Best place to give coop feedback is on the coop Discord server:
That said Prothyon-16 is an old mission and I don't expect any non-critical changes to be made to it.
Yes, most (maybe all, can't think of any that don't) custom campaign missions restrict tech and come with large assaults upon every map expansion. It's unlikely that anyone, even 2k+ rated players will complete it first try because they won't know what to expect.
with only 29 people who bothered to complete that mission
This isn't true. Leaderboards have always been a little shaky on working properly, and even when they do they get reset every now and then. I don't know when the last reset was. I'm 1500 and I've done Prothyon-16 a few times solo and some more times with newbies taking up eco which is arguably even harder.
there should be a warning on this mission like only for real try hards or 2k plus.
are they all like that or are there any chilled ones?
That warning might as well be on all the custom missions. No, none of them are chill. I'm frankly amused you have this question from playing Prothyon-16 because that's probably the easiest one. You can always lower the difficulty if you want a chiller game.
@eezyville said in You guys ever thought if moving to a new engine?:
Would that random negative Redditor be even more proud of himself for shitting on another person's dream?
Hello that was me XD
I've never seen it as shitting on someone's dream, and I'm sorry you took it that way. It was meant to be an explanation of why it hasn't been done and why I don't think it's a good idea.
That's functionally a complete remake of the game. We have not the time, resources, manpower, skills, or legal rights to make such a thing.
Other than those few hurdles yeah let's do it.
The behavior of engineers on patrol depends on how much mass you have in storage. As long as you're under 80% full they will go reclaim. If your storage crosses 80% they'll shift over to assisting any factories nearby, since you don't need the reclaim anyway.
TMD is fine as is.
I could see an argument for making TML or its missiles more expensive, but even that's iffy
Will this block regeneration of old seeds or will the (version) number of the old seed be able to handle it just fine?
I don't Soul Ripper enough to comment on its advantages over Wailers, but none of the experientals are efficient if you look at alternatives
DPS | HP | |
Soul Ripper | 1,738 | 75,000 |
19 Wailers | 4,773 | 112,100 |
Ahwassa | 2,565 | 52,000 |
13 Strats | 4,875 | 50,700 |
Monkeylord | 4,520 | 45,000 |
16 Bricks | 5,124 | 120,000 |
3 Tempests | 3,669 | 180,000 |
8 Omens | 4,320 | 384,000 |
That's not to say you should never make experimentals, it's just to point out that looking at the DPS or HP per mass is not a particularly useful metric.
@thewreck said in Adjustment to the reclaim rates:
This is a terrible idea the only ones up voting this to no surprise is the moderators.
@dorset said in Please show rating changes in replay vault:
Is this just another example of the moderators changing something for no good reason and then defending that decision with their life?
Moderation team had no input on this decision