@jip Bingo, yeah, that was it, thanks!
RE: Any idea why I can no longer open the debugging log window with F9
RE: Any idea why I can no longer open the debugging log window with F9
Where can I find this log on the local filesystem, to view it in a separate editor?
RE: Any idea why I can no longer open the debugging log window with F9
@mostlostnoob No, I don't think so, and I just tried this in non-full screen window (floating window), and still no log window opens up.
Any idea why I can no longer open the debugging log window with F9
There is a hotkey action "Debug->Toggles the debugging log window", which was set to F9 for me.
This used to open a window that shows some debug log output, which would show errors from mods, and so on, (kind of essential for mod development), but this no longer seems to work.
I tried mapping this to a different key, in case there was something specifically blocking my F9 key, and instead mapped this to a key that I could see was working in FAF, but no dice. It seems this just doesn't work any more for me.
Does this work for other people?
If not, any idea why or when this stopped working? -
RE: Client bug: two Forged Alliance processes start after password failure
@askaholic client.log.2023-03-24.0.txt
The problem occurred around 21:39, in this session, as far as I can work out.
Did you try repeating the problem based on my repeat description, also? -
Client bug: two Forged Alliance processes start after password failure
So, often, after playing a game, it happens that I have caps lock turned on by mistake.
And then, when attempting to join a custom game with a friend, this means that the first attempt at entering the game password fails.
And then I've noticed that, when I next attempt to join, and this time get the password right, it seems like the client then spawns two Forged Alliance game processes, which leads to connection problems and general confusion..
RE: Attack move hotkey?
@jip Hmm.. so the following also works correctly (shows the same attack cursor while in the new command mode):
ui_lua import('/lua/ui/game/commandmode.lua').StartCommandMode("order", {name="RULEUCC_Script", AbilityName='AttackMove', TaskName='AttackMove'})
(What I did here, instead of capitalising the C, is to just leave out the 'cursor' table entry.)
So maybe 'Cursor' with capital C is not actually correct, then. (This was really just a random shot in the dark, on my part.) Maybe what is happening here is that there is no 'ATTACK_MOVE' cursor, so if we specify that then we don't get any cursor change, but if we instead just allow it to fall back to a default cursor (which looks like it might be the attack cursor, based on the "RULEUCC_Script" name), either by leaving out the 'cursor' table entry, or misspelling this with a capital C, things look much better..
RE: Attack move hotkey?
@jip Maybe your reply is to cunnismeta, but, for what it is worth, I found out how to do the thing I was looking for.
Try the following, in the game console (with engineer or commander selected):
ui_lua import('/lua/ui/game/commandmode.lua').StartCommandMode("order", {name="RULEUCC_Script", AbilityName='AttackMove', TaskName='AttackMove', Cursor = 'ATTACK_MOVE'})
Interestingly, this works better than clicking the attack move button, because you actually get the correct cursor shown while in the relevant command mode, whereas there is a problem with not seeing a change of cursor when clicking the attack move button.
The lua script I am copying this from is as follows:
local function AttackMoveBehavior(self, modifiers) if self:IsChecked() then CommandMode.EndCommandMode(true) else local modeData = { name="RULEUCC_Script", AbilityName='AttackMove', TaskName='AttackMove', cursor = 'ATTACK_MOVE', } CommandMode.StartCommandMode("order", modeData) end end
Note the small case 'c' in cursor, which is what makes the difference. I guess this is probably a bug..
RE: Attack move hotkey?
@rowey Yeah, I know this, but I still would like to bind a hotkey.
Note that alt + right-click is different from the 'Attack move' command mode you get when you click on the 'Attack move' button, in an important way.
Whether or not alt + right-click actually does an attack move depends on what the mouse is over and the camera zoom level. If you alt + right-click over some reclaim, for example, this will often give a reclaim command instead.
This is not the case when you enter Attack move command mode by clicking the Attack move button in the UI.
Attack move hotkey?
I just tried setting up a hotkey for 'Attack move' (i.e. to be equivalent to pressing the leftmost command button in the UI, 'Attack move'), but it looks like this is not possible?
(In 'Orders', I can see stuff like 'Attack' and 'Move' available for mapping to hotkeys, but nothing for 'Attack move' or 'Aggressive move'.)
Anyone know why this is?
Is there some way I can work around this with a targeted UI mod?
RE: 100 days of ladder
@evan_ said in 100 days of ladder:
How have you guys been finding these reports? Does anyone relate to the issues I am trying to fix with my playstyle? Anyone feel inspired to try and get better with me?
As someone who has been playing for a long time, but not frequently enough, and without seeing much in the way rating improvement, it is definitely interesting to follow your progress (and motivating for me to try something similar, or at least play ladder a bit more often). Don't give up!
RE: 100 days of ladder
@evan_ said in 100 days of ladder:
This leads into the next point. I've uncovered yet another issue of mine that has gone unnoticed until now: Move overriding. I will give a move order to a unit and then give another order to override it. An example of this is when I put an attack order on a lab that had slipped through, only to change it into a move order for some reason, which caused the lab to escape and continue to cause trouble.
Setting up some hotkeys of the form 'select nearest idle [unit type]' (or similar but adding to existing selection) could perhaps be useful here.
Sound bug, current status?
I just played a game on ladder where I had that sound problem, where something happens shortly after game start and you lose sounds for some of the game events.
I think this is an old problem, right, and there were some things to try as workarounds?
(I seem to remember changing the frequency for a sound device to 22000, or something like that, at one point in the past.)In any case this is something I haven't seen in a while.
I also didn't see any recent forum posts on this.What is the current state of the art with respect to this bug, likely causes, and known workarounds?
RE: How to use different strategic icons
@crispweed said in How to use different strategic icons:
@jip what is the status of this now?
I tried installing "BrewLAN UI Strategic Icon Overhaul Small", which has a load of icons directly inside 'custom-strategic-icons.scd', inside the mod folder, but this doesn't seem to work, I just see the default icons.
Ah, never mind. I was testing by watching recent replays, and seems like these were from a different patch or something. Running patch 3724 now and seeing different icons with this version..
RE: How to use different strategic icons
@jip what is the status of this now?
I tried installing "BrewLAN UI Strategic Icon Overhaul Small", which has a load of icons directly inside 'custom-strategic-icons.scd', inside the mod folder, but this doesn't seem to work, I just see the default icons.
RE: How to detecting when selected units have been given a command? (for incremental selection mod)
@uveso Looks like this works very nicely. Thank you!
How to detecting when selected units have been given a command? (for incremental selection mod)
So I'm working on a selection helper mod where I want a given hotkey to sometimes add a unit to the current selection, and sometimes start a new selection, depending on context.
The way I have it set up currently is that, after you made your initial selection, (or add to a selection) it stays in 'incremental selection' mode for a fixed time. So if you press a selection hotkey several times in quick succession you get that many units of that type, but if you wait a certain amount of time before pressing again, it starts a new selection.
The problem with this is that this depends on the user having some idea of the time that has passed since the last key press, which ends up being not so intuitive (in that it will sometimes not do the selection action that the user wanted).
What I would really like is for incremental mode to remain in effect until the current selection is given some command, with selection mode then reverting back, such that the next hotkey press after the command is given starts a new selection.
For this, I need to detect when a command has been given, but I can't see an easy way to this.
Does anyone here know how this can be done (detecting when selected units have been given a command)?
Any other ideas? -
RE: Benchmarking time spent in beat functions, 'avatar update' is very expensive
@uveso said in Benchmarking time spent in beat functions, 'avatar update' is very expensive:
i am hooking the beatfunction destructive because i test the function for a gamepatch.
I plan to remove the beat throttling completely from the game. ( i can't see any speedimprovements here on my PC)OK.
Got to say I did wonder how useful this throttling actually is.
I mean, with the way this is setup, it seems like, as more units get created, and the game slows down, the 'throttled' functions are actually going to be run in more game ticks..
RE: Benchmarking time spent in beat functions, 'avatar update' is very expensive
@giebmasse said in Benchmarking time spent in beat functions, 'avatar update' is very expensive:
Is disabling the avatar updates in anyway noticeable in terms of reduced UI lag or otherwise improved performance?
So I've had issues with lag in the past that seemed to me to be related to beat functions taking too long. This includes an issue with the UI refusing to accept my commands, in certain situations, as well as more general problems with UI responsiveness. I'm pretty sure that reducing time in beat functions has helped a lot with this problem, for me.
It's going to depend on the machine you are playing on, and stuff like that, I guess. And just avatar updates by itself may not be an issue, whereas the time spent in this plus time spent in other UI mods may become an issue, depending on what kind of mods you are using..
RE: Benchmarking time spent in beat functions, 'avatar update' is very expensive
If it's just about wanting to prevent your beat function from being skipped, maybe you could just change the following line:
GameMain.AddBeatFunction(_BeatFunction, true)
The point is that the second parameter to GameMain.AddBeatFunction() says whether the beat function you are adding should be throttled, as I understand.
And then maybe you wouldn't need to destructively hook OnBeat().
(I haven't read all the code involved though, and I could definitely be misunderstanding the situation.)