Maybe in the client prefs file?

RE: Friends / Foe list location
RE: Are 3p and 4p coop leaderboards still not working?
Could you describe the bug or post a screenshot? Game not being rated due to coop is correct. Coop shouldn’t affect your rating.
RE: Are 3p and 4p coop leaderboards still not working?
Theoretically this should have been fixed by the server update yesterday. Let me know if it’s working now.
RE: Voices for FAF coop campaigns
I expect you can commission voice actors on sites like fiverr to do that sort of stuff pretty affordably as well.
RE: 5v5/6v6 tmm?
I actually think it’s an idea worth exploring. When 4v4 launched I was convinced that there wouldn’t be enough players for it to find any games, and yet they showed up. I’m no longer convinced by the “queues will take away players from other queues” argument as I was before. I suspect that people would actually show up for those larger games who don’t play matchmaker at all now.
That said, I do think the connection troubles could be a barrier, although Jip has once again done some great work to improving the matchmaker initial connection code which might make it viable?
Anyway, I don’t think it’s fair to dismiss the idea on the basis of those arguments, since people (including myself) made exactly the same arguments before 4v4 was launched and that seems to have turned out fine. My opinion, try it and see…
RE: FAF/SCFA Replay Parser Library
After almost 3 years I have finally released another version of the rust crate, and CLI tool. I also published a new version of the python package which adds binary wheels for python 3.11 and 3.12, and removes support for python 3.7. Note, the version numbers happen to correspond between the rust/python packages but that is just coincidence, I have not updated the python library to use the new changes from the rust one yet.
Python:'s new?
Many, many refactors to the API. If you wrote some rust code that used version 0.5.2 of the rust crate, you'll have to update some syntax to get it to work with 0.6.0. See the improved docs page for the new syntax.
For CLI users things you'll notice are:
- The improvement to the command output is now released on 0.6.0
- Some additional output like game title and game quality in
fafreplay info
- A new
fafreplay info --raw
option for dumping out the entire contents of the replay header - Better detection of file type which does not rely on the file extension
- Some basic support for Supreme Commander 2 replays
RE: Decapitation should be a rated victory condition
That’s not where it’s stuck afaik. We need to finish adding the enum values to the database and api.
RE: Are 3p and 4p coop leaderboards still not working?
I looked into this further and it seems that the validity check that unrankes FFA games is causing any >2 player coop game to not be considered valid. I made an issue to drop this check for coop since the team set up happens automatically. Should be a very quick fix.
RE: Are 3p and 4p coop leaderboards still not working?
The particular game you referenced was unrated due to having sim mods enabled. Looks like specifically you were using the M28 AI mod.
If you have a replay ID where it happens but the validity code is
Coop Game
then please post it here, because that validity code means the game should have been posted to the leaderboard. For instance: -
RE: Are 3p and 4p coop leaderboards still not working?
You could check what is listed as the validity code on the replay. I think there shouldn’t really be any delay, it should update the leaderboard immediately.
RE: Are 3p and 4p coop leaderboards still not working?
Do you have a replay/game id?
RE: Private coturn server for my games.
Can’t say for sure but using a common web port like 80 or 443 is often an easy way to get through a network firewall since those ports are often allowed in order to allow web traffic. Could be because of that.
RE: Latest update screwed up my FAF
I can assure you and anyone else who may be reading this that there is absolutely no need to double buy the game to fix installation issues!!! Once you own it on steam you can download it as many times as you like, even on multiple devices.
RE: Add a latest replay URL
Just be aware that the replay data doesn’t contain exactly the info you’re looking for. It contains the sequences of commands executed by all the players so you can see when units were queued up to be built but you would need to actually run those commands through the simulation to find out when/how many of those queued units were actually built. That’s only possible by viewing the replay with the FAForever.exe. It’s still possible to automate that, I would point you towards the FAForever AI discord since I think some of the AI guys like @maudlin27 have come up with some scripts to automate running a bunch of AI games and analyzing their results. Something similar could probably be done for replays too.
RE: Cannot connect to any game
504 means you were able to talk to but it wasn’t able to reach the backend service. So the fact that it started working again after you flushed your firewall rules is just a coincidence.
Just noting that in case someone finds this in the future and thinks that if they get a 504 error they can fix it by flushing firewall rules. You can’t. Just wait a bit and try again or notify the server admins.
RE: [Rating] Inconsistency when drawing
Of course there “could” be but who is going to have time to build that. Detecting who is causing connection issues is also quite difficult and sometimes impossible since how can you decide which end of the pipe is responsible for the connection issue in a peer-to-peer system? That’s assuming you can even see which connections are having issues, which the lobby server can’t. I think nowadays the telemetry server often has that data and you could conceivably send it to the lobby server but there’s yet another nontrivial piece of code someone’s gotta write. All’s to say, yea it’s possible if you got enough devs with enough spare time.
RE: [Rating] Inconsistency when drawing
The rating grace period doesn’t exist in matchmaker games to prevent people from manipulating their rating by just quitting games when they get a map that they don’t like or think they are bad on. Also if they get matched against an opponent they don’t want to play against. Same reason you’ll still be matched against people you’ve foed.
In customs you can control all that stuff before the match anyway so it makes more sense to have a grace period for disconnects.
RE: FAF Palette - simple client theme editor
Wow, I totally missed this when it was posted originally. A little editor app like this is probably exactly what is needed to get people to use the themes feature more!
I’d love to see people make and share their own custom themes using this.
RE: In Matchmaker, spawn top players to face each other
The matchmaker already tries to do that but some maps are just set up so that those slots face eachother. It really is up to the map authors to set up the slots in a certain way. It’s impossible for the matchmaker to know the specifics of any particular map so the best it can do is treat the slot numbers consistently.