u1100 1v1 Tournament III
Tournament: u1100 1v1 Tournament III
Tournament Dates: 14/3 at 15:00UTC
Tournament Director: StrydxrChallonge: https://challonge.com/a6n105xq
IRC: #u1100
Coverage: TBARewards:
which will be held by the winner until the next u1100 tournament.
Tournament Format:
Following the trend of u1100 tournaments, this will be a Single Elimination Best of 3 style tournament.Rules:
Disconnects may result in a rehost <5 mins, but afterwards the Tournment Director has the last say.
Players will replay the same map if they draw.
If the incorrect map is host, the correct map will be hosted and the incorrect map will not count towards score
Players who no show without valid reasoning may be temporarily suspended from tournaments.
If a player doesn't show up in R1 they may be replaced, Otherwise after R1 it will be treated as a forfeit and they will be eliminated and not replaced.
The Tournament Director's decison is final.Map Pool:
tbdPlayers Signed up:
Hi, I'd like to participate
I'm signing up!
Add me in plz assuming this is based on 1v1 rating not bloated Global:)
Hopefully gen maps so it's all random on the day!
Sign me up
Re: u1100 1v1 Tournament III(Edit by IndexLibrorum: Aeternis created a new thread titled "sign me up". Merged thread with this one.)
Hi. Sign me up plz
The tournament has concluded and the winner is Nyx! Congratulations, well played from all players and thanks for participating
FInal standings: https://challonge.com/rsz21p8h