Double Allied Tournament 3

Double Allied Tournament 3 is a 2v2 tournament scheduled for 19th October. This is the third time we're making this tourney. Again new map pool, >100$ prize pool and even more special!

Prizes (105$ by Neytron):

  • 60$ for the 1st place & custom avatar
  • 30$ for the 2nd place & custom avatar
  • 15$ for the 3rd place & custom avatar

Tournament date:
13.00 UTC, Saturday, 19th October

Tournament Format:

  • Games are played between teams of 2
  • Combined rating cap for each team is 4200. Rating calculated based on best section as of 13th October. If player has less than 20 rated games last year, the section that has >20 rated games is taken instead.
  • Combined rating floor for each team is 3500. Your team should have no less than this amount of combined rating
  • Rating cap per player is 2400. Player's rating above 2400 counted just as 2400 even if it's 2600
  • First stage. Swiss system. 6 tours. No elimination. You can start from 2 losses in a row, then get 3 wins and have a good chances of getting into a second stage.
  • Final stage. Single elimination Bo1 or Bo3
  • 1/4 teams progresses into the second stage
  • If number of finalists greater than 4, final stage is played with Bo1, if 4 or less - Bo3
  • In-client channel is #dat3


  • Sign up here in pairs or single. Write your FAF nickname here. Make sure your team fits the rating cap. Registration will end on 18th October 23:59 UTC.
  • Don't bother with single registation, organizers will try their best to help you with finding a suitable mate (no pun intended)

Description of union control:

If one of commanders dies, the player can switch via Alt+F2 to his ally and continue to help his ally. Alt+F2 won't allow do anything besides it (won't allow giving yourself Paragon or Mavor). So if one of teamates dies, both player will control all the units they have. For example, one can play land and other play air to divide responsibilities.

It essentially eliminates APM penalty for a commander's death. In order to compensate it, full share is changed to partial share. Partial share works as full share except it doesn't share military units, only buildings and engineers.

"HQ SACU" mod description:

T3 land/air HQ can produce stock SACUs (without upgrades). The factories cannot, only HQs.


Tournament rules:

  • If the team is 30 minutes late after start of event, team gets disqualified.
  • If one of team members cannot participate, it can be replaced during the tournament by other pre-registered participant. You can register your reserve player immediately, if you want to.
  • Rating of player who replaces cannot be more than 100 points higher than rating of the player he is replacing. Sam with 1400 rating can replace Bill with 1600 rating, but no vice versa.
  • Win = 1 score point, draw = 0.5, defeat = 0
  • In case of uneven amount of teams at any stage, team gets a bye (free score) in the following precedence: most wins at current tournament, then previous tournament winner, then highest team rating.
  • No one gets a bye more than once per stage
  • Early withdrawal in stage 1 makes all played and not played games of this team lost
  • Any conflict or critical bug should be immediately appealed to the organizer. This implies pausing current game, if necessary

In-game rules:

  • Common control - multiple armies, union control
  • Share conditions - partial share
  • SIM-mod "HQ SACU"
  • Unlimited timeouts
  • Do not transfer your entire base or entire army before your commander dies. Transfering some units is allowed; exchanging bases is also allowed
  • Do not Alt+F2 to change view after your death and before your base is given to an ally
  • No in-game spectators other than players, organizers and streamers are allowed
  • Name your lobby in format like "DAT3 ABC vs XYZ"
  • It is recommended to not choose similar colors as your opponent (pink/red, light blue/dark blue); similar colors for allies are OK. Here is the tutorial

Map pool
Every slot that isn't explicitly mentioned below is closed. Again: if slot is neither 'playable' nor 'spawn mex', then it is closed.

First stage:

  • Swiss Tour 1. Miracle. Playable slots: 3,4,6,7
  • Swiss Tour 2. Lake zero adaptive. Playable slots: 7,8,9,10. All other slots: spawn mex
  • Swiss Tour 3. Adaptive sandy valley. Playable slots: 9,10,11,12. Slots 3,4,7,8: spawn mex
  • Swiss Tour 4. Primus Alpha Mini. Playable slots: 3,4,7,8
  • Swiss Tour 5. Point of Reach v4. Playable slots: 1,2,3,4
  • Swiss Tour 6. Abrogation. Playable slots:1,2,5,6

Final stage:

  • Wonder open 6v6 v2. Playable slots: 5,6,7,8
  • Hrungdaks Canyon 4v4. Playable slots: 1,2,3,4
  • Asteria. Playable slots: 1,2,5,6
  • Adaptive Project Dust. Playable slots: 3,4,5,6. All other slots: spawn mex
  • Stella Maris. Playable slots: 5,6,7,8
  • Adaptive Project Albus. Playable slots: 1,2,3,4. All other slots: spawn mex

In extreme case final stage can be postponed by one day (to Sunday 20th October) or one week (to the next 26th October Saturday) depending on the availability of finalists. However initial schedule is planned to be a single day. I've changed the format to hopefully make tournament more swift and less waiting in-between rounds.

Registered teams list:

  • Nuggets & Unknow (2069+2124=4193)
  • hybrid_ & Deli (2050+2130=4180)
  • WilloWisppsi + IMakeWarOnU (2143+2019=4162)
  • Pavor- & Overrated-Player (2400+1724=4124)
  • Paradox_of_War & Starchasm_nyx (2049+1936=3985)
  • BlInChIk + Neytron (2066+1911=3977)
  • Vindex & Ctrl-k (1867+2072=3939)

Vacant players:

  • archsimkat (2078)
  • ikigami (2043)
  • Created_in_abyss (1758)
  • Cunningfox (1678)
  • LoliChan (1452)
  • Bloo_Dream (1426)


  • PM me for any questions or suggestions in Discord @sainse.row. This includes organizational, stream coverage questions & prize contribution suggestions.

Sign up Swatoslav & Ikigami

register CunningFox

Discord for communication - ilyabatkovich

deli and hybrid signing up to protect our crown


Sign up Bloo_Dream 1409. someone take me pls 😄

Added registered teams & vacant players section in the main post

@swatoslav your combined rating is 4200, which is well above rating cap. I cannot register you

@itscominghome aaaaarrrrrrrr

sign up pavor- and overrated-player

A few rules updates I did wanted to add a while ago:

  1. Rating cap is 2400 per player. Every player above 2400 is counted as having plain 2400. Rating cap per team stays the same. This should allow high-rated players to form a team with a players they are familiar with. It's partially mitigates a problem of 2800 rated players not knowing any 1200 players, let alone those who willing to participate in a tournament.
  2. Stated rules regarding early withdrawal in stage 1. If early withdrawal - all wins are turned into losses, including played ones. This should be pretty obvious and just someting I forgot about.

@pavor while the add of rating cap helps you to fit in, reducing your effective rating from 2434 to 2400, overrated-player is still too much overrated. He's 1708 as of 1st October and even more overrated now. 2437~=2400+1708 is 4108. There is no rounding. Please find another partner.

sign up illu and horse12 ❤

register Created_in_abyss 1758(data will be updated)
communication in dicsord youknowwhome

Since there is too few applications so far I've decided to raise the rating cap per team to 4200. The ratings are re-evaluted as of 14th October to be more relevant. While I were a bit hesitant to do that after having sign ups, we only have one team registered so far, and newer reference date estimates them to be 4180, which is almost 4200, so I don't think they're missing out anything.

@horse12 this particular tourney does having rating floor of 3500, you don't fit

Sign up 2100 free agent

sign up Vindex 1867 + Ctrl-k 2072


Lets gooo grimplex and azot

@theweakie farms and ftx when?

Nuggets + Unknow signing up

BlInChIk + Neytron

The "start with SCU" mod replaced with "HQ SACU" mod made by me. The mod is publicly available in client vault just as any other mod


My original intention was to create more options for SACU usage, especially combat ones. Starting with SCU would shift opening too much while not affecting later game. In order to fix that I replaced the original mod with HQ SACU. You can produce more-than-one SACU in T3 HQ and upgrade them however you want. This should serve the purpose without bringing tricky balance issues.