Hidden Pearl Tournament



Introduction for tourney:

Hello and welcome to this new 2v2 tournament series organised by Yøw clan, featuring multiple avatars as a rewards and Full share to avoid 2ks abusing their fellow teammates and insure balance between teams we have prepared mappool featuring maps that favouring proper teams of e.g. (1500+1500) and a team of 2k and their fellow teammate. We can pay Russians and any other country. "Good luck and a safe landing commanders!"


If you want to sponsor this or future tournaments you can use our requisites, we accept transfers from every country and we can pay to any player regardless of origin. If you wish to keep your anonymity you can transfer without mentioning your ign nickname.

Our requisites:

  1. Paypal - @FurFAF
  2. For Russians that want to be involved - 5280 4177 1175 3208

For sponsors:

if you donate all the money goes into tourney and if you donate in the future everything will go for tourneys

1. Yøw clan sponsored $150.

About us:

As a clan we originated from idea of teaching people how to play FAF, thus this is the tournament meant to attract attention of newbies and for 2ks to coach them during the whole procces, any teams will be welcomed, for teams with both players having equal rating and teams that include 2k we have prepared maps favouring both variants of teams.

General info:

Date time: 6-7th April 14:00 UTC
If a lot of players sign up tournament will be held 13-14th April 14:00 UTC
Challonge: TBD


You can register solo and if by the start of the tournament you will not have a teammate we will pair you with other single participants. Will be held in 3 places (you will be able to see the list of existing teams in all 3 places)


The highest rating between 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, 4v4 and global, its rounded as to the upper limit
2000-2300+ (0-800) = 3100 Max team of (2300+ | 800)
1700-1900 (500-1300) = 3200 Max team of (1900 | 1300 )
1400-1600 ( 1000- 1600) = 3200 Max team of (1600 | 1600)
Any 2.3K+ is counted as 2.3k
no taking over bases from small dudes until small dude is (kill)ed.


1st place - round of applause + $100
2nd place - round of applause + $50
3rd place - round of applause

Hidden Pearls 1-6:

  1. edit_4.webp

  2. hidden_pearl_ava_5 (1).webp

  3. edit_6.webp

  4. edit_7.webp

  5. edit_8.webp

  6. edit_9.webp

Avatar for being Smart:

if you guess outcome of every battle correctly you will get an avatar!

Hidden Pearls:

Hidden pearls aka avas you get from perfoming certain hidden action and Hidden pearl is given only to the first one to successfully fullfill its aquisition conditions

Hidden Pearl Aquisition:

You can get every Hidden Pearl if you manage to comprehend condition for its Aquisition. We have hidden hints about each Hidden Pearls all around the Forum. Good luck finding them!
TD will carefully examine every game for fullfilling conditions, you can aquire Hidden Pearls only during tournament games.


If you want to help out organising tournament you can DM in discord lucidshko (water)

Current TD's:


#Cute capybara being capybara cbb08f57-97af-4d38-88c8-8b111374be81-20min.jpg

map pool:

  1. adaptive terminus of hope
  2. turmoil lake
  3. vicious circle
  4. odda
  5. adaptive sandy valley
  6. adaptive moon
  7. adaptive mars - mangala fossa
  8. the way of war quarry
  9. our hearts demand change
  10. adaptive onslaught
    afa9744a-bb55-4ae3-884c-ec0265d98be0-adaptive_onslaught.v0001 (5).png
  11. adaptive long john silver
  12. mellow shallow
  13. project tabula
  14. adaptive project albus
  15. projet luminary

"Good luck and a safe landing commanders!"

We had a slight change in policies regarding rating cap.

"Good luck and a safe landing commanders!"

EgO 1500 желательно 7.04

lft Swatoslav 2100, can only 07.04 or 13-14.04

Cantarolar | 1200 Global | Can play either 06.04 or 07.04
UPD: Able to communicate either with an English-speaking or a Russian-speaking teammate.

1300 ladder, only UEF , looking teammate, russian speaking, but can understand english and talking a little bit. (prefer russian team anyway to avoid communication barrier)

will the hidden pearls be given to everyone that completes the conditions, or just to the first team?

frick snoops!

sign up FFF (2000) and KekCheburek (900)

@sladownoob Only the First one to complete

"Good luck and a safe landing commanders!"

Current sign-ups:
Neytron (1700) and LoliChan (1400)
FFF (2000) and KekCheburek (900)
Skrat (1700) and Finisterre (1400)
Yurich (1300) and Attakator (1400)
Volkh-Peruna (1000) and Swatoslav (2100)
EgO (1500) and Hemfast (1400)
SainseRow (1300) and Katsu (1300)
TheCodemander (1400) and IncredibleEgor (1300)
Aranei (1900) and Wuka (1300)
TriPivaZ_ (2000) and Tele4erep (1000)
OCA (1700) and Cantarolar (1100)

Single sign-ups:
4z0t (2100)
Popiska (2600)
BlInChIk (2000)

"Good luck and a safe landing commanders!"


1st place - round of applause + $100 Castle_TOP_1.webp the great dog in de hub
2nd place - round of applause + $50
Castle_TOP_2.webp dogless house - tree
3rd place - round of applause
Castle_TOP_3.webp houseless-doogless - tree
4-rd place - dogless houseless treesless avaless 4-place mark-less



Because I got so many community likes, I'am doing a second one great guessing

Hidden Pearls 1-6:

  1. 0ae399d6-a0ce-4e47-9dbb-b35c381d0744-hidden_pearl_ava_4.webp Fox are turning head 180 degrees to butterfly at the empty bookshelf(Arent she is stupid and can do it true the left? - Yes.)

  2. abbbbf40-d711-46c4-9aa1-a8de9f097836-hidden_pearl_ava_5.webp The dog (Mark of dog is anglosexson bulldog or maybe some russian word "mops") closed his eyes while tasty aroma of orange? - Thats is carrot?)

  3. 34811550-ff13-40c9-b7f4-1079d235ba81-hidden_pearl_ava_6.webp Two dogs, looks like white is older, so it is male or maybe female. 1-Male = His gf are cheating on him, eat this small puppy. 2.-Women, seems like this dog is black, so hes are was from a black dog, is there any single moms with a trailer at the tourney?

  4. a6eb2f92-7411-4717-baf1-8c148edf1d06-hidden_pearl_ava_7.webp So sad for the squidward, that time spongebomb did the good door->face crack

  5. c0d43fb7-6c2e-4527-92d2-9ee281a2fe22-hidden_pearl_ava_8.webp Its a Nuke Bomb, looks like you need completly send teammate to die to finally get useable mexes. Maybe is it a frog.

  6. 46892a20-6be5-4cc9-91bd-bee16c36c2e5-hidden_pearl_ava_9.webp Some anime-plague, looks like you need to burn some.. ehm.. ehm.. or heal.


2. is a capybara btw
3. that is a cat on top of a cat skull
4. its a sick cat
5. its a frog
6. no comments

"Good luck and a safe landing commanders!"

Sign up - Popiska 2600

Sign up Skrat 1700 + Finisterre 1400

Sorry for my English. I use translator

SignUp TriPivaZ_ (1800)

Make t3 mex, not war

We improved our Hidden Pearls for quality reasons.

"Good luck and a safe landing commanders!"

Sign me up TheCodemander (1400/1500?)

Sign up - IncredibleEgor 1300