Team FFA 4v4v4 Tourney (march 23 17-00)

@t_r_u_putin said in Team FFA 4v4v4 Tourney:

СPU of the players should be lower than 180 score.

Its so over

@thewheelie I had 180 cpu score in 2014 - it was 4790k. not hard to get a computer can do this nowadays with any decent cpu.
I dont want players to play -2 simspeed which punishes active players.

My laptop from 2014 had 180 score as well. Score is not always properly shown especially with laptops.

Not that it matters i wasnt playing anyway just wanted to make a very very funny joke

Minister_ 1500

Вопрос, можно регистрироваться командой? Или будет драфт

@lolichan avatar will be gifted for the 1st place

Just FYI for anyone concerned I approved the use of this avatar for the tournament.

Можно минимальный рейтинг сделать 1100


ZUM (1600)

Salnik 1900 + yellowv вроде 1200.Если зум с министром не против, можно к ним.

Why did you add a neytron to a separate team, it was supposed to replace zlo in my team? xD

поменяй зло на нейтрона в моей команде