Tiers of offensive words?


I've thought for a while that some offensive words & behaviour should potentially be punished harsher than others.

For example, vanilla insults like "F you" etc are somewhat indiscriminate verbal Diarrhea.

Whereas other use of language such as the N word or insults/comments towards Jews (ovens etc) strike me as a situation where the perpetrator is less likely to correct their behaviour with minor punishment measures. Stronger outcomes may actually help them potentially reconsider their life choices and lack of empathy. Perhaps consequences could escalate faster for these low IQ individuals?

Establishing tiers is just a way of establishing dominance over other people

You want to put yourself above other people by having YOUR sensitivities enshrined as being more important than MY sensitivities

Just let the admins deal with this behavior. We don't need to have a big discussion about which victim groups get better treatment than other victim groups.

We had a secret banned word list for a while where you got banned for saying 'cancer'. It was pretty good since it made FtX really mad.

Easiest way to make FTX mad is just to say UEF worst faction

Ras Boi's save lives.