I'm trying to get dual screen setup with my zoomed out map on my left monitor, and this doesn't seem to be supported by UI-Party. So I've tried UI-festival available at https://github.com/b2ag/ui-festival/blob/master/mod_info.lua and it sort of works. The problem is the reclaim display (CTRL-SHIFT) is stuck on the secondary monitor (left), with labels corresponding to the position of the primary monitor (right). The hotbuild preview is also stuck in the middle, straddling the two displays. There seems to be no option for changing this. This method also means the lobby and end game stats are spread across two screens.
The various threads on dual screen setup seem impenetrable (with multiple users and multiple scripts all in the same thread). I seem to remember I tried to get this all set up some time ago but gave up due to lack of time. Presently 'between jobs' right now but would prefer not to have to spend 2 days trying to work this out. Anyone got any tips on the best method for settings up dual screens with the map on the left (secondary) and the primary on the right? Also I guess I need to go fake full screen as I always end up dragging/resizing the screen whilst in game (usually at the worst moments). It would be really nice if this was integrated into the client.