Large maps crash on spawn or during loading.

When my friend and I play larger maps (80x80), the game takes forever to load, often crashing during loading. When we did manage to load in, the game froze the instant our commanders spawned it, an unhandled exception popped up. I'll attach the game log. We tried a 40x40 map right after and that worked fine. We were able to play that same 80x80 map in og forged alliance, but not in FAF. Any help appreciated. game_21449295.log

consider LOUD_AI

It's another free client, like FAF

It is optimized for playing on really big maps

Something wrong with the file uploaded, please retry.

There shouldn't be anything preventing you from playing large maps on FAF...

It is because of Uveso AI. I'd recommend the LOUD project if you want to play at that scale. Otherwise you can try M28AI

A work of art is never finished, merely abandoned

It seems on further testing I was able to load into that map just fine with Ai Uveso and experienced no crashes, but that was when playing alone. Playing with my friend had issues, so it could be something on his end or something about connecting online to another person specifically.