Is it an offence to abuse exploits?

Currently aeon tmd's do not work against tml's, especially not a UEF billy nuke. If a player is caught abusing this currently broken mechanic, can they be reported?

What's most astonishing about this too, is that the offending player is currently the " Game Team Lead", i.e. Jip

Absolutely outrageous! if I were you I'd immediately report this person. In case you are lacking the correct information, do add the replay id which is #21350415 and of course the timestamp which is about 39:30. Luckily, the chat caught the horrific interaction you had with this person too:


Good luck with reporting this madman!

A work of art is never finished, merely abandoned

Oh no devs are abusing things they break! That's unacceptable!

“Be a yardstick of quality. Some people aren’t used to an environment where excellence is expected.”
— Steve Jobs.
My UI Mods

If you want to accuse someone of bug abusing report them on the client. Don’t make a forums post about it. Though it seems like u just decided not to make tmd.