Game wont start
the bottom game one doesn't have anything in it
Then drop the client log in here
maybe it contains some more info than what you posted -
Caused by: Cannot run program "C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\ForgedAlliance.exe" (in directory "C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin"): CreateProcess error=740, The requested operation requires elevation
Did you run the client as admin once? that might break things.
try deleting the directory C:\ProgramData\FAForever and restart the client with your current user, then try to launch a game. -
@nex I did, I will give that a try
@nex Unfortunately that didn't work. thank you for helping, is there anything else I can do?
So same error?
try running the client as admin
if that works it's definitely a permission issue, if that also doesn't work then there must be something else -
That worked but now its crashing
can you get a game log now?
mh nothing out of the ordinary in there
try deleting/renaming your game.prefs file
(found here)
Maybe the settings are corrupt
Then try to launch the game through steam once. -
@nex I tried deleting it but that didn't work game_21158904.log
@ceasersmum isn't that log older than the other one?
Did starting it through steam work normally?
@nex That was the newest log I checked the time stamp on it. Yes opens completely normally and works through steam
@ceasersmum mh just confused by the game number, which I thought count up and 12>04
but can you get the most recent client log then?
Also since running as admin worked you should check the permissions on C:\ProgramData\FAForever and make sure you have read/write permissions there with your current user and you can execute the .exe in the bin/ folder.
I have managed to fix it. Thank you for your amazing help. I really appreciate it as I didn't know where to start. I was able to change the settings in the properties section of the programme that I had changed when trying to get it to stop minimizing and these were what was preventing it from loading. Thank you again!
@ceasersmum ah cool.
Always a bit hard to do remote assistance without knowing what's going on everwhere. -
@ceasersmum Hi, I'm having the same issue at the moment. What settings did you change to get it to work?
I am also having the same issue, thank you. Have already deleted everything (FAF and supcom) and reinstalled.
The same error:
Client Version: 2023.11.1
java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "java.lang.Process.onExit()" because "process" is nullI think maybe the 2023.11 update initially failed in an odd and unrecoverable way, which seems like the root cause. I could not launch after the update so had to delete and reinstall everything to even launch the client.