Why is it OK for Cybran to have the only stealth air?

Dunno, to me this falls under cool faction diversity that should be extended to other factions, which is why UEF ended up getting jamming on everything that isn’t an ASF. If the game code could handle it, they likely would have jamming on ASF too but tripling the signatures of what is probably the most spammed weaponized unit in the game isn’t good for performance.

Trying to remove it or nerf Cybran because they got it is just bad normalization. Counterintel and intel should be its own, separate battlefield across all 4 factions.

@ftxcommando said in Why is it OK for Cybran to have the only stealth air?:

Yeah it’s about the same to me. Playing around the strengths of yourself or the opponent whether the player or the faction is just part of the game. You also seem to have skipped over the fact I said you SHOULD be doing this against every faction, Cybran ASFs just make it obvious why your inherently risky gameplay is bad and could be made better with minimal effort.

Why do you need spy planes when you have omni and nobody else has any form of intel or counterintel on their asf?

ASF micro is send them into the enemy and press stop, I’d say using a scout screen makes the average micro duress about equal to what old ASF micro was. Any argument about positioning ASF properly prior to the fight as micro doesn’t make sense because you should be using the spy planes to do that in the first place.

Wait, did ASF micro change? Do we not turn circles anymore?

Haven't turned in circles for like, 3 years.

Omni is min 20 or so in teamgames, meaning there is like 10 minutes of t3 air gameplay without it and those 10 minutes are likely the actual critical aggressive moves, and on larger maps it won't cover like a third of the map.

Got an up to date guide on current air micro? Or even the patchnotes that changed it? I had absolutely no idea anything changed lol... I've been out of the game for a while.

No real guide on it far as I know, you just move your cloud into the enemy cloud and hit stop so the ASF micro themselves. When the clouds are quite big often you need to stop micro select segments as they move into the fight so that they don't go idle due to having nothing in range to fight.

@ftxcommando said in Why is it OK for Cybran to have the only stealth air?:

Haven't turned in circles for like, 3 years.

Omni is min 20 or so in teamgames, meaning there is like 10 minutes of t3 air gameplay without it and those 10 minutes are likely the actual critical aggressive moves, and on larger maps it won't cover like a third of the map.

WHAT?! Is there a video of the new meta? I swear to god people last week were still circiling ints and asfs

They shouldn’t be, basically everyone will lose doing circle micro against stop micro. I’d just watch any 2k rated airfight to see it happen, both air clouds will collide, players hit stop, and the ASFs will target air units individually until a winner happens. However unlike manually targeting ASF, they will shoot at any ASF within range rather than a specific one they were told to target.

I still circle my asf, only use stop micro for large airfights. Pretty sure thats the general rule, and if not, i 1v3'd your air so get crushed noob

frick snoops!

cybran = stealth
uef = big hp (now dont work by balance patch "one hp mex")
aeon = para, hover units, navy.
sera = com, ahwassa, no ras.

I'm still not sure I understand why stop micro is better, tbh. What changed to make stop micro better?

Can't turn nearly as tight in circles anymore. Most of the time your ASF are just going to be gliding at an arc and therefore not shooting since they aren't facing anything in front of them.

Can you point me in direction of "good" air players whose replays I can watch? Every game I've played I see people in the upper 1k range circling ASFs still and I don't pay enough attention to the top level of players to even know who to watch.