Re: Current air unit crash effect BUG report

Re: Current air unit crash effect BUG report

As you can see, the air unit goes into the sea after being destroyed, and the animation on the model continues to play. Submerged in the sea, the areon experimental air craft has been destroyed, but the animation of the model continues to play above as if it were still functioning after the crash. And this process will continue for nearly half a minute, until he sinks to the bottom of the sea before becoming a wreck.


👍 , context understood I'll see what I can do for the units of the base game.

A work of art is never finished, merely abandoned

While it could use some tweaking in shallow waters(to make it faster), this looks perfectly fine in deeper waters. I'm also not really sure how is it a problem at all considering all the other stuff going on during the game. Few more explosions and lights aren't really problematic. And I don't really see how it affects the naval warfare as the OP claimed.

I think he's referring to animations that keep going. if that is the case, then we can try to stop them when the unit impacts the water

A work of art is never finished, merely abandoned

@jip Yes, mainly the lights and animations that only exist when the unit is alive still exist when it is destroyed.Thank you for your work!

The rotating blue Lichts are produced by the shader. We would have to switch the shader when the unit dies. I am not sure if this is possible

That is possible

A work of art is never finished, merely abandoned

I still don't think it's good idea to remove it so arbitrarily. Why not remove all the other lights and colour from all the other units that keep them while sinking down. Including navy units.

I agree with speeding up the sinking animation for shallow water. But nothing more than that.

@jip Hi, just wanted to ask, when can this issue be fixed :)

It didn't have priority over other problems at this point, I can't give you an ETA

A work of art is never finished, merely abandoned

@jip I see. Thank you very much for your work. Still very much looking forward to this issue being fixed