this report is for the mod author Crotalus. First, thanks for the awesome mod.
The Black Box happens randomly after upgrading a mex. (Or switching players in replay mode - see video).
I tested it without any other mod and the result is still the same.
The only way to get rid of the black box is to strg+k the mex and rebuild.
Here is the video - I just switch randomly between players.
A "dirty quick fix" could be, to just remove the black overlay behind the text in the middle of the mex. With the tech icons I can see the current stage of the mex anyway and don't need any number at all.
I tested without black overlay for several minutes and it works fine so far.
"dirty Fix":
C:\Users\username\Documents\My Games\Gas Powered Games\Supreme Commander Forged Alliance\Mods\EM\modules\mexes.lua
function CreateMexOverlay(unit)
local overlay = Bitmap(GetFrame(0))
local id = unit:GetEntityId()
overlay.id = unit:GetEntityId()
overlay.destroy = false
function CreateMexOverlay(unit)
local overlay = Bitmap(GetFrame(0))
local id = unit:GetEntityId()
overlay.id = unit:GetEntityId()
overlay.destroy = false
If you can find the bug to solve it, would be nice, but not really important anymore, with the current "fix".