Commander Survival Kit (A new SIM Mod)

@cdrmv Good to hear! Take all the time you need, like I said before, this is the best stuff I've seen for Supreme Commander in years (maybe even a decade at this point lol). Plus, it's not like you're not still releasing all of your additions on GitHub anyway, so we can still enjoy all the new stuff while you develop it ^^

Hello everyone,
Its time for an new Development Update of this Project.
This Time the first Wave of new Seraphim Units and a new UEF Support Air Unithas been seen on the Battlefield.
Lets jump to it to see them:

'Isthu Asama' - Tech 3 Heavy Assault Walker:
A four legged armored Walker, which comes with an integrated Bubble Shield Generator. The Walker is armed with 4 Rapid Fire Energy Weapons and two Tactical Missile Launchers. This Unit will get AA Missiles in the next Update, as an alternative Weapon to the Tactical Missiles. Both will be linked with an Weapon Toggle Button to switch them. The Walker is buildable in the regular Tech 3 Land Factory, Amphibious and Fast. The Design is based on the Chimera Stalker from the two PS3 Video Games Resistance 2 and 3

'Isthu Yhona' - Tech 3 Super Heavy Missile Walker
A large 4 Legged Walker armed with two Tactical Missile Launchers which fires 6 Missiles in Total. However the Walker comes with an Special Toggle Ability to Enable or Disable the Mini Tactical Nuke Mode. This Mode gives your the Ability to Build 6 Mini Tactical Nukes, which can be fired Manually to an Target Location. The Design of this Walker is based on the Chimera Goliath Walker from the Video Games:
Resistance Fall of Man, Resistance 2 and Resistance 3.

'Isanthu Mayatha' - Tech 3 Super Heavy Assault Tripod:
A large Armored 3 Legged Walker. It is armed with two advanced Energy Beam Cannons with an higher Damage Output and larger Range compared to the Combat Scout Tripod. The Design is based on the Alien Tripod from the 2005 Movie War of the Worlds.

'Isanthu Gtho' - Tech 3 Combat Scout Tripod
A 3 Legged Walker, which is armed with an powerful Energy Beam. Its integrated Radar and Sonar Device makes it really usable as an Scout. This Unit is amphibious and can walk on the seabed. This Walker will get the Acid Cloud Ability in the next upcoming Early Access Updates. The Design is based on the Hierarchy tripod walker from the Game Universe at War.

'Mithoo' - Tech 3 Type 2 Attack Drone:
A large Air Drone which is artmed with two Rapid Fire Energy Blasters. The Design of this Unit is based on the Type 2 Drone from the Games Earth Defense Force 5 and 6.

'ASham' - Tech 1 Flying Saucer
This small Seraphim Flying Saucer is actually an Prototype of an Flying Anti Gravity Vessel. It is armed with an Rapid Fire Energy Weapon in its Center.

'ASham Ithum' - Tech 2 Flying Saucer
The Successor of the ASham but with different Design, which is developed over an small Quantum Portal Core Generator. This Flying Saucer uses the Quantum Portal Core Generator to an fire Energy Weapon on the Target. The Energy Weapon is fired by an Device form the other Side of the Portal and comes out of Energy Core in the Center of this Flying Saucer.

'ASham Itas' - Tech 3 Flying Saucer
The Successor of the ASham Ithum. It is armed with Improved Quantum Portal Core Generator to shot an Energy Beam on the Target. The Beam is fired by an Device form the other Side of the Portal and comes out of Energy Core in the Center of this Flying Saucer.

As mentioned before the UEF has get a new Support Air Unit as well.

'BC-77 Globemaster' - Tech 3 Reinforcement Plane
A large Cargo Aircraft, which is designed to Transport Support Devices and Vehicles to the Battlefield. The Unit will drop three Factory Containers, which are able to build a single Land Unit of your choice as Land Reinforcement. Each Container will disappear after the Build Process is finished and needs to be called by the Plane again for more new Land Reinforcements. Additionally this Air Unit comes with an Prototype of my Anti Air Missile Flare System for preview Testing. The Flare System Checks of any enemy Anti Air Unit in range and will deploy the Flare Projectiles to intercept the Anti Air Missiles. If the Factory Containers are going to be dropped on an Location the Air Unit will use the Flare System as well to make you know the Containers have been arrived on the Target Location.

This Air Unit will later get two alternative Features for the Factory Containers to drop an special Designed Defense turret or Support Devices to give your Land Units a few useful Buffs.

All new Units are now available in Early Access on Github for Testing.
They are included in the Mod: Commander Survival Kit Units.

Looking forward for your Feedback.
Stay tuned for more Updates. πŸ˜‰
Best regards

Hello everyone,
its time for an new Development Update of this Project.

Commander Survival Kit (Sim Mod):

Callable Airstrikes and Air Reinforcements:
Finally after some Experiments with the Code:
Callable Airstrikes and Air Reinforcements by the two Managers are now working in the Campaign. The Code behind the Spawn Mechanic has been Improved to check whether the spawnposition is in the playable area of ​​the map. Additionally it checks which Gamemode (Campaign, Skirmish or whatever) the Player is currently playing to load the correct Spawn Code for them.


The Campaign Fix is now available in the official Github Version of the Sim Mod: Commander Survival Kit and will be included in the next upcoming official Release. If you use an old Version of the Commander Survival Kit please delete it first and install then the Github Version.

Please Note:
There is an small Issue in terms of the Disappear Mechanic, where Airstrike Air Units doesn't disappear if they reach the other Side of the Playable Area (Map). As always, I'm already looking for a fix. So stay tuned for upcoming Updates regarding to this.

Commander Survival Kit Units:

4 new Seraphim units has been added into the Mod

'Isanthu Asthum' - Tech 3 Recycling Tripod
A 3 Legged Walker armed with an Reclaiming Cannon.The Improved Targeting System of the Cannon allows it to reclaim enemy Land and Naval Units in an specific Range automatically. So this Walker use Reclaim only as its Main Weapon and comes with an large amount of Health Points. The Design is based on the Hierarchy Reaper Drone Walker from the Videogame Universe at War.

Guide to use it correctly:
Order the Unit to Move in the near of an Enemy Unit. If it stops it will start the Reclaim Process automatically. The Range of it is a Bit smaller to its Visible Range.


'Isanthu Kthan' - Tech 3 Combat Multifunction Tripod
A 3 Legged Walker which comes with 5 different Weapon Variations. That means this Unit comes with the Weapon Random and Enhancement Upgrade System to support several different Weapon Layouts as Variations. The Tripod gets access to an Strong Sniper Turret, Rapid Fire Energy Blasters or Beam Cannons. All three can appear as an single or mixed Weapon Layout Configuration. Since the tripod does not have a fully rotatable torso, it must be positioned strategically. Only then can he fire his weapons. The Design is based on the Tripod from the Video Game Half Life and on the BBC Tripod.

'Isanthu Defanthum' - Tech 3 Deployable Rapid Fire Turret
A 3 Legged Walker, which is armed with an new type of an Rapid Fire Turret.
It comes with an Toggle Button to switch from Mobile to Stationary Mode and backwards. The Walker is amphibious, but is not be able to deploy into Stationary Mode in Water and Seabed. The Design is based on an unused Concept of an Hierarchy Walker from the Video Game Universe at War.

Undeployed (Mobile):

Deployed (Stationary):

'Isanthu Xhantha' - Tech 3 Mobile Missile Battery Tripod
A 3 Legged Walker which is armed with 8 Ihana Missile Launchers for Long Range Fire Support. The Walker is amphibious and has an good Movement Speed. However he only has 1500 Health, which makes him weak against enemy attacks.

All new Units are now available in Early Access on Github for Testing.
They are included in the Mod: Commander Survival Kit Units.

Looking forward for your Feedback.
Stay tuned for more Updates. πŸ˜‰
Best regards

Regarding to the Issue about the Disappear Mechanic of the Callable Airstrikes.
After a few additionally Analyzes by myself the Code itself is working in General. I have notice that the Air Units will disappear mostly If they reach the Border of the Playable Area/Map. However they will Not always disappear If Enemy Units are in thier Range for some Reason. So sometimes they will start to do an Attack Run after that until No Enemy Units are in thier Range. If the Airstrike Air Units are in Idle Stage again they will disappear as expected. Even If there are inside the Map, which can look funny sometimes. An Possibile Cause of this Problem could be an Overlap of the Playable Areas on the Map, which Breaks the Code a Bit for a few Areas but that is an theory by myself. I will still Look to find an fix for it, which I can't clearly give an garantee for it. So maybe we will need to Life with this small funny Issue in the future.

Hello everyone,
The Fire Support Manager of the Commander Survival Kit has get new Additions.
Of course for all Factions. πŸ˜‰


Players are now able to call a Strategic Missile on an Target Location. Or they can now Intercept an Incoming Strategic Missile with an callable Anti Strategic Missile over an Target Location.

These new callable Missile Barrages are now available in Early Access on Github. They can be find inside the Missile Section of the Fire Support Manager (Commander Survival Kit)

Two Surveys:
The following Surveys are focused on the two Managers of the Commander Survival Kit.

Should Experimental Units appear as callable Reinforcements?

Available Options for this Survey:

  • Yes
  • No
  • Only with an Lobby Option (Enable/Disable)

Should Experimental Air Units appear as callable Air Strikes?

Available Options for this Survey:

  • Yes
  • No
  • Only with an Lobby Option (Enable/Disable)

Both Surveys are Open until next Sunday
I'm looking forward for the Results

Stay tuned for more Updates
Best regards

Hello everyone,
Just want to let you know I'm working on several new Stuff for the Commander Survival Kit this time.
Regarding to the Survey of the Introduction of callable Experimental Reinforcements:

Although there wasn't much participation in the survey here, the results on my Discord server were clearer. Callable Experimental Reinforcements will be added into the Reinforcements Manager of the Commander Survival Kit soon. They will be available for Land, Air and Naval. However they will be optional. That means a new Lobby Option to manage them will be added to the Mod as Well. So Players will be able to Enable or Disable the Access of Callable Experimental Reinforcements for thier Matches. The Access of Callable Experimental Reinforcements is usually disabled.

Additionally I'm working on several other new Stuff for the Commander Survival Kit:

For example new types of callable Air Strikes for each Faction.
New Drop Mechanics for callable UEF Land and Naval Reinforcements.
A more sorted Available Units Section of the Reinforcements Manager (Tech 1, Tech 2, Tech 3 and Experimental)
As mentioned above on the upcoming Introduction of callable Experimental Reinforcements
Two new buildable Structures (what they do will be revealed later)
Callable Dropable Turrets
And more.

Stay tuned for upcoming News and Updates related the topics above.
Best regards

How long until the full release of your mod?
I just redownloaded FAF after my hiatus and remembered your mod.
It was a blast to play with the previous versions!

( Ν‘Β° ΝœΚ– Ν‘Β°)


If everything goes according to plan, we will see the next official version of the Commander Survival Kit (Version: 1.20) between Christmas and New Year's Eve this year. If not then in January or February 2025 Until the new version of the Commander Survival Kit is released, you can download the official developer version from GitHub at any time. The Developer Version will be expanded with new functions and features with the next Early Access updates. At the moment the development progress for the next version of the Commander Survival Kit (Version: 1.20) is progressing very well.

Looking forward to it!

( Ν‘Β° ΝœΚ– Ν‘Β°)

Regarding to the new upcoming Version of the Commander Survival Kit (Version 1.20). The Development of it still progressing very Well and several new Features has been added to the Mod recently, which I will present here soon in the next Development Report. There are a few other Features for Version 1.20, which are still in Development and they will be presented later. However the finished new Features can present already.
So stay tuned for the next upcoming Development Reports. πŸ˜‰

Greetings! I liked your mod, very cool πŸ™‚ I think it would be great to add a function to disable/enable abilities in the game lobby, for example, if we want to play without air or airstrikes

Hey glad to hear you like it. πŸ˜‰
Nice Idea and Suggestion do you have I like that
The Integration of New Lobby Options to Enable or Disable callable Land, Naval or Air Reinforcements from the Reinforcements Manager in the Match can be added into the Mod.

New Lobby Options for Air Strikes and the other things from the Fire Support Manager are possible as well. The only thing is the Mod will introduce a large additional amount of New Lobby Options into the Game, which could overwhelm some Players at the begining. But I think it makes the Mod fully customizable and even more enjoyable as an Result

I completely agree with you. Flexible game settings will make this mod great for any type of battle, including Survival modes πŸ™‚