Hosting a mapping 101 in Discord this Sunday
I will be showing how to get started, the basic tools, and generally good habits to consider while creating your map. Will be using the FAF server voice chat, for which I can not create an event link, so just drop me a line if you're interested; Immortal-D #6337
Sounds exciting
, do you have a specific timestamp in mind when you want to start?
It also nicely aligns with an upcoming tournament:
Do you plan to record it as well and make it available on YouTube?
@Immortal-D what time Friday i can create the discord event
@Jip @Rowey Tentatively scheduled to start at 3pm/1500 Pacific Daylight. This was a last minute idea for my clan, if there is sufficient interest going forward, can always do this again on a Saturday or Sunday to accommodate all times. The mapping tournament looks incredible, I've been considering sponsoring one myself when I have a bit more time.
@magge I hadn't specifically planned to record since this is originally an event for my clan, but if there is sufficient interest I can certainly do so.
I willing to join as a veteran mapper i'm sure i can help answer questions
@madmax Sweet! I don't know who else might show up beyond a few players in my crew, but I would certainly love to pick your brain about a few things (my own map is half done).
Bumpity. A few people expressed interest in this, but missed it due to last-minute scheduling and the holiday weekend. I'll be hosting again Sun. morning/afternoon.
Sounds good will try to participate