1v1 map pool - feedback

Feel free to check the Discord conversation from yesterday or two days ago - I explain a bit more why I'm doing this.
I am indeed fully aware there is a good chance the feedback it gives is useless to optimise the pool. But how do you want to know? e.g. literally everyone I've spoken to so far shared the opinion the pool during March was BS. Only reason I'm not focusing on that one is because I don't want to be the guy with "reee look at this specific shitty map pool! I don't care about the other months, this specific one is so bad!".

This is primary for me to see if I'm just in a bubble where the ppl I know dislike 5x5 maps or if they're generally rather disliked. Especially seeing MapGen being in the top or at least in the upper half in nearly each tier list and in general player feedback and yet we have exactly 2 MapGens in the entire pool and on top of that MapGen only week isn't a thing anymore for whatever reason. That reason alone resulted in me even asking which lead to this thread. For me it sounds like the map pool team literally was like "Oh the mapgen only week got a positive feedback and most players like it? - Guess we won't do that week anymore and only put 1-3 mapgens into the pool then."
On top of that players here give reasons for their tier list which I was hoping for and highly appreciate.

I also want to add that I'm definitely not in the high ranked bubble. I'm hanging around with rather low ranks on Discord and had quite a lot of trainees during the past which also talked about the pool and what maps they liked / disliked.


some feedback is better than no feedback and those tierlists are probably one of the best way of getting a generic view of what different ratings wish to see in the mm tho

queuing with a newbie to show him the beauty of tmm and meeting tagada be like:

Diff ratings? Eh, the forums are heavily skewed to 1500+ players. The tier lists tend to be good data on what high level preferences are but you can’t just state theta is a bad map because the majority of the 1500+ players put it in the bottom half of the distribution.

Harder to conform much to the data because the 1v1 pool is still cumulative rather than segmented.

I severely dislike 20x20 maps because I just and simply lack the multitasking ability required for playing these.

@Sladow-Noob what discord conversation? I don’t see a link or time stamps in this post to what you are referring to.

@morax Yes cuz the conversation happened after I wrote the post. It's only a rough explanation why I did it, followed by a more general discussion about both 5x5 maps and then about t1 tanks. I pinged you in the Discord. Depending on how the quality of the feedback goes, I'll either add the explanation in detail or it's not gonna be relevant


@captainklutz said in 1v1 map pool - feedback:

instead they will just give less reclaim, let me know if this is a good idea

Not something i would recommend. Less reclaim is even more misleading.. By now most people know what to expect. Prob don't want to change it to the next confusing thing

I prefer the option of Mapgen option like Sladow said. I feel that people will have a better chance at adapting on a map both people haven't played, rather than study for the ones they have or exploit certain things that other factions can't.

Mapgen all the way

Map pool April 2023.PNG

~1100 ladder

edtjuh said in 1v1 map pool - feedback:

or exploit certain things that other factions can't.

factional imbalances still exist in mapgen

frick snoops!

my-image (2).png

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