How to optimize CPU mapping?
The game works fine, but the CPU in games shows high and does not decrease below 250 in any way
And is it possible to manually set the CPU value so as not to kick in games?
Could you share your preference file? You can find it here:
A work of art is never finished, merely abandoned
@jip [Game.prefs](Invalid file type. Allowed types are: .png, .jpg, .bmp, .txt, .log, .gif, .webp, .csv, .pdf, .xls, .doc, .zip, .7z, .rar, .dds, .jpeg)
How your CPU performs is written in the preference file. You can find it at the bottom. For convenience I've posted it down below too.
You can run about 2500 units before your computer is slowing down the game (-1 or lower). This is in line with the performance of your CPU:
Bottom line: the cpu score is a good representation of your CPU in this case: it can't handle that many units before it slows down the game.
PerformanceTrackingV2 = {
SkirmishWithAI = {
Samples = 0
Samples = 0
Samples = 0
Samples = 0
Samples = 0
{ // -5
Samples = 2,
UnitCount = {
Min = 3813,
Max = 3813
{ // -4
Samples = 1,
UnitCount = {
Min = 3802,
Max = 3802
{ // -3
Samples = 612,
UnitCount = {
Min = 2588,
Max = 3813
{ // -2
Samples = 709,
UnitCount = {
Min = 2347,
Max = 3807
{ // -1
Samples = 180,
UnitCount = {
Min = 1627,
Max = 2785
{ // 0
Samples = 183,
UnitCount = {
Min = 1305,
Max = 2280
{ // +1
Samples = 216,
UnitCount = {
Min = 1140.9499511719,
Max = 1554.0499267578
{// +2
Samples = 3888,
UnitCount = {
Min = 750.34997558594,
Max = 1530.6500244141
{ // +3
Samples = 737,
UnitCount = {
Min = 630.95001220703,
Max = 1458.0499267578
{ // +4
Samples = 416,
UnitCount = {
Min = 593.34997558594,
Max = 1265.6499023438
{ // +5
Samples = 320,
UnitCount = {
Min = 552.75,
Max = 926.25
{ // +6
Samples = 186,
UnitCount = {
Min = 442.38247680664,
Max = 802.96746826172
{ // +7
Samples = 430,
UnitCount = {
Min = 350.10998535156,
Max = 623.88995361328
{ // +8
Samples = 642,
UnitCount = {
Min = 287.5129699707,
Max = 551.08697509766
{ // +9
Samples = 305,
UnitCount = {
Min = 265.28848266602,
Max = 466.41146850586
{ // +10
Samples = 1303,
UnitCount = {
Min = 29.934999465942,
Max = 352.76501464844
Samples = 6
A work of art is never finished, merely abandoned
@MinDept FAF has very old game engine that heavily charges on one cpu thread. So basicly disabling core number 0 for FAF(and leaving it for system) on your cpu should give you slightly better performance. There have also been discussions about that, and how to do it, in the past, if you can find those in Forum "search" maybe.
@wikingest the i3 5005U is a dual core processor, disabling core 0 would be quite bad for your framerate.
@MinDept There's a few things, but they do not solve the fact that your CPU is just not made for this game.
- Flag the game to use high process priority
- Play / host the FAF Develop game type
We continuously try to improve the performance of the game, as described in this topic:
But again - your CPU is just not made for this type of game. You'd be better off buying a desktop. I have the Ryzen 3600 which sales for about 90 euro's and it can handle up to 6000 units on FAF Develop, without slowing down the game.
A work of art is never finished, merely abandoned