Attack move hotkey?
I just tried setting up a hotkey for 'Attack move' (i.e. to be equivalent to pressing the leftmost command button in the UI, 'Attack move'), but it looks like this is not possible?
(In 'Orders', I can see stuff like 'Attack' and 'Move' available for mapping to hotkeys, but nothing for 'Attack move' or 'Aggressive move'.)
Anyone know why this is?
Is there some way I can work around this with a targeted UI mod?
Attack move is bound to alt + right-click
@rowey Yeah, I know this, but I still would like to bind a hotkey.
Note that alt + right-click is different from the 'Attack move' command mode you get when you click on the 'Attack move' button, in an important way.
Whether or not alt + right-click actually does an attack move depends on what the mouse is over and the camera zoom level. If you alt + right-click over some reclaim, for example, this will often give a reclaim command instead.
This is not the case when you enter Attack move command mode by clicking the Attack move button in the UI.
i would like to bind attack move to middle click
That is not possible, it is defined in the engine.
@jip Maybe your reply is to cunnismeta, but, for what it is worth, I found out how to do the thing I was looking for.
Try the following, in the game console (with engineer or commander selected):
ui_lua import('/lua/ui/game/commandmode.lua').StartCommandMode("order", {name="RULEUCC_Script", AbilityName='AttackMove', TaskName='AttackMove', Cursor = 'ATTACK_MOVE'})
Interestingly, this works better than clicking the attack move button, because you actually get the correct cursor shown while in the relevant command mode, whereas there is a problem with not seeing a change of cursor when clicking the attack move button.
The lua script I am copying this from is as follows:
local function AttackMoveBehavior(self, modifiers) if self:IsChecked() then CommandMode.EndCommandMode(true) else local modeData = { name="RULEUCC_Script", AbilityName='AttackMove', TaskName='AttackMove', cursor = 'ATTACK_MOVE', } CommandMode.StartCommandMode("order", modeData) end end
Note the small case 'c' in cursor, which is what makes the difference. I guess this is probably a bug..
@crispweed interesting find, consider it fixed:
@jip Hmm.. so the following also works correctly (shows the same attack cursor while in the new command mode):
ui_lua import('/lua/ui/game/commandmode.lua').StartCommandMode("order", {name="RULEUCC_Script", AbilityName='AttackMove', TaskName='AttackMove'})
(What I did here, instead of capitalising the C, is to just leave out the 'cursor' table entry.)
So maybe 'Cursor' with capital C is not actually correct, then. (This was really just a random shot in the dark, on my part.) Maybe what is happening here is that there is no 'ATTACK_MOVE' cursor, so if we specify that then we don't get any cursor change, but if we instead just allow it to fall back to a default cursor (which looks like it might be the attack cursor, based on the "RULEUCC_Script" name), either by leaving out the 'cursor' table entry, or misspelling this with a capital C, things look much better..
@Jip @crispweed I see that the latest commit from Jip to Dev branch "fixed" capitalization cursor -> Cursor, but do we know if it was even a bug to begin with (Jip check reply above from crispweed)?