UI scaled too far

Hello friends,

I tried the settings ui-scale to 150%, but now my screen is zoomed in so much that I can't even start a game.
How do I revert this?
Are there settings stored somewhere in a file that I can edit? Doing it via the context menu is impossible, as I cannot open it from in-game. Please help, I want to play ...

search for your Game.prefs file:
C:\Users\Uveso\AppData\Local\Gas Powered Games\Supreme Commander Forged Alliance\Game.prefs

Open it and search for:

ui_scale = xyz,

and change it to:

ui_scale = 1,

save the file, start the game.

@zxq2 How are you able to set the ui-scale to 150%?? mine is tiny and I can't figure out how to adjust it.

I found the Game.prefs file but it doesn't have anything about UI scale in the file.

you can add the line to game.prefs, but the in-game option, is options -> interface -> third line down