UI scaled too far

Hello friends,

I tried the settings ui-scale to 150%, but now my screen is zoomed in so much that I can't even start a game.
How do I revert this?
Are there settings stored somewhere in a file that I can edit? Doing it via the context menu is impossible, as I cannot open it from in-game. Please help, I want to play ...

search for your Game.prefs file:
C:\Users\Uveso\AppData\Local\Gas Powered Games\Supreme Commander Forged Alliance\Game.prefs

Open it and search for:

ui_scale = xyz,

and change it to:

ui_scale = 1,

save the file, start the game.

@zxq2 How are you able to set the ui-scale to 150%?? mine is tiny and I can't figure out how to adjust it.

I found the Game.prefs file but it doesn't have anything about UI scale in the file.

you can add the line to game.prefs, but the in-game option, is options -> interface -> third line down

I also have the same problem: there isn't any ui_scale entries and can't access to the options, or I don't know how to open it

Can you double-check that you really do not have that following option?


I can't start a custom game, so I does not have access to the option section

Can you make an own thread and share some logs (if any exist) and your prefs.file, please? It seems you may have several issues that need to be narrowed down separately.

My problem is exactly the same as Looper's. If you think so, I can make another thread