Lock 0 rated players for 4vs4 ranked and AFK problems

Hi everyone,
has there been an discussion about setting up a barrier for ranked search for players?

I would like to see a lock in search in 4vs4 for beginners as these 0 rated players ruin games at a high percentage in my opinion.
Its even worse than including an afk guy which i also think is an unmanaged problem. It is very hard to balance and it is quite frustrating.

What i would like to see is a simple lock for the 0 rated player. This lock would open if players have 10 custom games or something similar. There are competitive games that have something like this. I also think it creates an incentive to play by having something to unlocking as a new player. It also increases the prestige of these games. In 1vs1 I think its not really a problem since the game is over fast.

For afk guys if technical possible, a simple automatic pause in the beginning would suffice until every player has issued a build command. If it stays paused the game either is canceled or the players could decide to wait.

The afk players definitely need to be discouraged in some way. As it happens far too frequently which tells me people don't take the search seriously. Maybe a first step would be detecting afk players.

What are your thoughts on the matter?

The team matchmakers were designed and added largely with the intent of more easily allowing lower rated and new players to join and find games. It is harder for players to get custom games when they are new.

So this would go against the whole reason for the matchmakers.

Also, wouldn't the new people also ruin the custom games? I don't see how this improves the situation at all

@sheikah said in Lock 0 rated players for 4vs4 ranked:

The team matchmakers were designed and added largely with the intent of more easily allowing lower rated and new players to join and find games. It is harder for players to get custom games when they are new.

I have nothing against that. The problem I am trying to get at is that most games where a 0 rated player is added ends in a forseeable defeat for the team with a 0 rated teammate. Which has little to do with the skill of the three other people in that team and is simply frustrating for that team.

Another option would be to have the first x games with 4vs4 games with a 0 rated player be unrated/highly decreased in rating weight for the other players.
Maybe the minimum balance % of tmm should be increased.
48% is just not playable imho.

The point I am trying to make is everyone at the start of such a game knows whats going to happen.

@blackyps said in Lock 0 rated players for 4vs4 ranked:

Also, wouldn't the new people also ruin the custom games? I don't see how this improves the situation at all

No as if you are in a custom game you are aware of the fact that there is a 0 rated player beforehand. You can make a choice and leave that lobby. In a ranked match you can't unless you want to lose points. I definitely care less about my global rating but that is my subjective opinion. I would be more open to play with a 0 rated player in custom.

A tmm game is in my opinion much more competitive. And it should care more about fairness as such. 3.1vs4 is not fair.

I think there’s some merit to this idea. I wouldn’t require custom games necessarily but rather a certain number of ranked games across all leaderboards. You could use this to create a bit of a feel of progression when you first create an account by unlocking additional queues as you play.

Have a 'noobs welcome queue' for starting players, say below 10 or 20 games to get rating established, but which any other players could still join - or maybe select players who are willing to train new players ingame - who would not have their rating affected themselves

As for the afk problem. Pretty sure there are solutions for that. Maybe a ready box that appears before the game launches?

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@blackyps said in Lock 0 rated players for 4vs4 ranked and AFK problems:

Also, wouldn't the new people also ruin the custom games? I don't see how this improves the situation at all

No, because everyone just kicks the new players.
A progression system, to discourage making new accounts sounds like a stupid idea (because that's what these progression systems actually do). Often people start the game and want to play with their friends and games that tell them you have to play 10 games against ai first are just really really bad. So if your friend said let's play this game, but before we play together you have to play 10 games in this noob only queue, how many people would actually play the game?
It works for bigger games, as they have enough of a player base to make their entry barriers higher, but for FAF I think this is a bad idea.


@letmebeme said in Lock 0 rated players for 4vs4 ranked and AFK problems:

Maybe the minimum balance % of tmm should be increased.
48% is just not playable imho.

This sounds more like an issue with matchmaking and less an issue with 0 rated players. Can you post some replay ids where this has happened?

Pause pls afk mod, you are welcome:))

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Both of these don't have any player that is close to 0 rating.
The high rating differences in the other games should be alleviated with the latest server update. https://forum.faforever.com/topic/5170/matchmaker-update


Oh wait it's that bug again. So what happened is that the initial rating get's based on global, but for the first game that information is not correctly passed to the game, so they show up as 0 in the game. The replay details show the actual rating they had and then the game is balanced.

