Hi everyone,
has there been an discussion about setting up a barrier for ranked search for players?
I would like to see a lock in search in 4vs4 for beginners as these 0 rated players ruin games at a high percentage in my opinion.
Its even worse than including an afk guy which i also think is an unmanaged problem. It is very hard to balance and it is quite frustrating.
What i would like to see is a simple lock for the 0 rated player. This lock would open if players have 10 custom games or something similar. There are competitive games that have something like this. I also think it creates an incentive to play by having something to unlocking as a new player. It also increases the prestige of these games. In 1vs1 I think its not really a problem since the game is over fast.
For afk guys if technical possible, a simple automatic pause in the beginning would suffice until every player has issued a build command. If it stays paused the game either is canceled or the players could decide to wait.
The afk players definitely need to be discouraged in some way. As it happens far too frequently which tells me people don't take the search seriously. Maybe a first step would be detecting afk players.
What are your thoughts on the matter?