Looks good, on the bit about windows not letting you install it ("If your Windows computer stops you from running FAF, click on "More info" and you'll be able to run it."), I wonder if it'd be worth expanding slightly to explain why this happens, e.g. "Windows may try to prevent you from running FAF with the below message - this is because FAF cant afford to pay Microsoft a monthly fee. However clicking the "More info" button should allow you to run FAF: [screenshot of the error with more info circled in red]"? Would lengthen things a bit but might help explain to people why they get the error/make them more likely to believe that FAF is safe to run.
On the 'Reigster for a FAF account' I'd suggest having some text in bold red noting something like 'Gmail has taken to periodically blocking FAF registration emails so if you don't receive a registration email shortly afterwards, try using an email with an alternative provider'