Put Rank Decay in the client plz
What type of things do other games do in this situation?
Some people mentioned team games or team maps, so is this a social problem? If you only played 1v1 would you still want rank decay? Or is this about letting your team down? If the change allows mid-rank players to achieve a win rate >50% then it just creates a smurf-lite system.
In 1v1 just eat the losses.
In team games, one bad lane can lose the game. Maybe this is what makes gap so popular since it's less prone to this. There's also thermo, which is quite literally one lane. Other games aren't so dependant on one person at the casual level, and the one's that are also tend to be very salty. Maybe there could be some push towards maps with lane sharing for casuals. Maybe 8v8 winter dual was always the best map after all.
Anyway, only solution I can think of is to play easier maps.
I don't see a good solution for this beyond just playing through the overratedness.
Similar to how players who focus on Astro or Gap and are thus overrated will stay playing Astro or Gap.
Any means to quickly demote would be exploited by jerks who like to smurf.
@ovenman said in Put Rank Decay in the client plz:
Some people mentioned team games or team maps, so is this a social problem? If you only played 1v1 would you still want rank decay? Or is this about letting your team down? If the change allows mid-rank players to achieve a win rate >50% then it just creates a smurf-lite system.
In 1v1 just eat the losses.
In my situation, it’s a gaming experience issue, that would not occur if I wanted to play 1v1. Because i would be able to play /un-rust / un-rank at any time when i want to play a game.
But If I come back, it's to play a friendly casual game like twice a month on setons.
But in the current situation (I'm around 1700 global), if I join a 1400+ lobby, other players will expect me to play like a 1700, but I would probably not beat a 1200 in my first game without spending time un-rusting, remember bo ...
If I join a lower-rated lobby, people will expect me to carry, and I won’t. So I'll probably get shout at in both situations.The alternative would be to host some 1v1, un-rust, loose rating then join a seton game.
But well... I don't want to spend 2 days before getting in a team game. Like I say, I would barely find the time to play twice a month... -
It's FAF. You'll get shout at in EVERY situation regardless of your rating.
So as I understand it the rank displayed is not the actual rank. For instance if my ACTUAL rank is 1500 but the uncertainty is +-300 then my rank will be DISPLAYED as 1200.
So why not keep decay the same (I think it's -1 a month or something?) but have uncertainty increase much faster? Then peoples' ranks will be DISPLAYED lower which will make them happy. And as I understand it the higher your uncertainty the faster your rank changes, so if people are gone for two years and have high uncertainty and lose their first two games back, their rank would drop. Thus it would only take a few games before the rank adjusts, but in the mean time, a lower rank would be displayed, resolving issues like @Th3-11 s.
I proposed increasing uncertainty over time, but this was not implemented. So, there is currently no decay or uncertainty increase due to time passing.
The problem with uncertainty increase is that it can make the problems worse. When you are returning after a long time you will probably forget to do some very basic stuff in the first one to two games. So will probably lose even if you get matched 200 rating lower or whatever the exact number will be. You will then be able to realtively quickly remember the basics and improve again. Maybe not exactly to your old rating, but to somewhere near that.
Now, a sigma increase means that your rating changes more. So during the first games your rating will drop harder than normally, at the same time sigma automatically decreases again, so it makes it harder to rank up again. With this system your rating will behave inversely to your actual skill.
Trueskill always lags some games behind your actual perfomance, because it needs to react to your game performance. My argument is that this drop in game performance due to unrusting after a break is too short to sensibly try to account for it with trueskill. If you make trueskill react to it strongly, the drop in rating will come too late and do more harm than good. -
Just showing leagues instead of rating and having the leagues decay, should fix this issue or not?
The leagues already do decay.
@nex this league system is useless with this amount of players in matchmaking, the rating system is still better because it has history and player base
@eternal said in Put Rank Decay in the client plz:
@nex this league system is useless with this amount of players in matchmaking, the rating system is still better because it has history and player base
You could also use the league system for global.
You could even just give everyone a league based on their current rating and start from there (to make use of the history)
The host might need to see rating tho, as they are relevant to balancing teams. Or you just balance around leagues in customs and maybe get some unbalanced games. (maybe they still feel balanced because of how people expect others to perform, who knows)
@ftxcommando said in Put Rank Decay in the client plz:
The leagues already do decay.
I wasn't implying they currently don't. Just making sure everyone is on the same page.