Cringe Tournament III
@explosive You cant do this unfortunately. No rating cap but Captain must be lower than 1300 in all categories. Ratings will be taken from 03.09.2022.
I want to sign up
Pyzu Rating 656
My teammate is Tytoos rated 700
Also I have a few questions, do you need to buy walls for the comrade ACU to be able to build them at all or is he allowed to build them by default?
What if someone just walks the Comrade ACU into your base instead of building the walls? -
stinky_dycky + luntik2010
@pyzu you have to Buy walls!
You could walk into the base. Few pds would be enough to scare. -
I really don't get this concept of buying units and how the higher tech they are cheaper to buy, is it per unit or the availably to build that unit?
sign me up
what is the day of this?
I see now 17th
I mean, the enemy gets penalty if they kill comrade first so killing it isn't a solution really -
I think this concept is hilarious and very innovative. It'll require some solid strategizing and quick thinking on behalf of the participants and I'm very interested in seeing what kind of tactics develop.
However, I would like to ask for some clarification of the rules.
- Comrade player cannot build or own units. Can they own buildings provided they don't build with them?
- Comrade player ACU can do any upgrades? Or are upgrades disabled / you can buy them (at what cost?)
- Starting points do not get reset between matchs? So if you spend 200 out of your 220 points on the first match, and you win, you have only 120 for the next match? If you lose you have nothing? Or do you always have 220 points to spend regardless of how much you spent the previous game? I could see some interesting metagaming where it would be interesting to spend as little as possible and still win if you bring the leftover to the next game.
- If you have the same race as an opponent, do you have access to all units they bought? Since the Comrade can't build, does it not make sense they should be the same team, but different from opponent?
- Are Comrade ACU allowed to reclaim if they're not allowed to build? how about repair or assist?
1 Cannot build nor have units.
2 Upgrades are allowed
3 You get 100 points after the win and 80 after the loss.
4 You Factions can not be repeated by 2nd team.
5 Reclaim, repair and assist are allowed. -
@pyzu well agressives moves with comrade acu were intended. But suicided motives will bring harm to both teams but mostly to the suicidal team.
S Swkoll referenced this topic on
@rottenbanana said in Cringe Tournament III:
4 You Factions can not be repeated by 2nd team.
So this means everyone plays different faction? Who chooses factions first? -
@pyzu Higher Seed gets to pick first!
я готов участвовать в этом
Sorianec + me
S Swkoll referenced this topic on
This is delightful, and I'm surprised more people are not joining (my connection at this rental is terrible or I totally would).
Might buy still don't have an answer to my question above
@veteranashe you have to buy each unit individually. You pay for the ability to produce unit that you bought.
Ok so you buy a t1 tank for 22, so you can build tanks, why are higher techs cheaper?